Exporting a plan to a shapefile

Esri Redistricting Online lets you export redistricting plans to a shapefile. A shapefile is a vector data storage format for storing the location, shape, and attributes of geographic features, such as redistricting boundary lines. A shapefile is stored in a set of related files and contains one feature class.

When you export to a shapefile from Esri Redistricting Online, a *.zip directory is created that contains all related files that support the shapefile. Once the *.zip package is saved locally, you will need to extract the contents to view the shapefile.

The application also supports exporting the redistricting plan to a fixed text format for use in applications such as the US Department of Justice (DOJ) or Esri's Districting Extension applications. See Exporting a plan to a fixed text format for more information.

  1. On the File ribbon, click Export.
    Export option on File ribbon
  2. Click Shapefile.

    The Select location for download dialog box appears.

  3. Navigate to the location to store the *.zip shapefile package.
  4. Enter a name for the *.zip package.

    If you modify the default file name, ensure you add .zip to the end (for example, Export.zip).

  5. Click Save.

    The *.zip package is saved locally to the desired location.

  6. Using the Windows workflow, extract all contents of the *.zip package. For example, right-click the *.zip package and click Extract All.

    The *.zip package contains all files that support the shapefile. You can open an application, such as Esri's ArcMap, that supports shapefiles and view the *.shp file.
