Exporting a plan to a fixed text format
Esri Redistricting Online provides the ability to export plans for sharing with other systems and applications. You can export a plan to a fixed-text format such as any of the following file types: TXT, EXP, or DXX. The fixed-text format lets you determine the format order and the delimiter for block and district information.
Esri Redistricting Online supports exporting plans to U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) or Office of Management and Budget (OMB) formats for block assignments.
The application also supports exporting the redistricting plan to a shapefile for use in applications such as Esri's ArcMap. See Exporting a plan to a shapefile for more information.
On the File ribbon, click Export.
- Select Fixed Text Format.
The Define Export Format dialog box appears.
- Select the Export Format Order:
- Block then District
- District then Block
- Select the Delimiter:
- Comma delimited
- Space delimited
- Click OK.
The Export Plan dialog box appears and lets you know the export calculations are complete.
- Click OK.
- Navigate to a location to store the export plan.
- Enter a name for the export and include a file type.
By default, the export file does not have a file extension defined. You need to manually enter .txt, .exp, or .dxx to the file name (for example Export.exp), which are file types compatible with the Districting Extension application created for the U.S. Department of Justice by Esri.
- Click Save.
The exported plan is saved to a fixed-text (TXT) file in the output directory.