Working with plan comments

Free text can be added to a plan by typing text as comments. These comments will have user information and time stamps assiciated with them for auditing purposes. By adding comments, you can include a paper trail about modifications made to the plan, notes regarding plan updates, or a notation that a plan is discontinued. Adding comments can be particularly helpful for shared plans that have multiple contributors.

In this topic, you will learn how to do the following tasks:

Viewing plan comments

You can view all comments associated with a plan for which you are an owner, or for plans that have been shared to you.

  1. On the Share ribbon, click Comments.
    Comments option on Share ribbon

    The Comments dialog box opens. A list of all comments for the plan are displayed, including a timestamp and user who added the comment.

    Sample plan comments

Adding plan comments

Free text can be added to a plan by typing text as comments. These comments are visible to any user who has permissions to access the plan. Comments let you communicate information about the plan. For example, you can add a comment that describes any changes made to the plan since the last Save, such as geography assignments or locks.

  1. On the Share ribbon, click Comments.
    Comments option on Share ribbon

    The Comments dialog box opens.

  2. In the Add a comment field, type a comment.
    Sample plan comment
  3. Click Add.

    The comment is added to the table.
