Generating a report from a plan

Esri Redistricting Online contains system-configured report templates. Reports can be generated to PDF, Microsoft Excel, or HTML. If a report contains multiple pages, the plan ID and plan name are displayed in the header of each page. With Esri Redistricting Online, you can opt to email the report as an attachment to share with colleagues or business partners.


The Bill Text report can be generated only to SGML and HTML formats.

In this section, you will learn how to do the following:

Each report displays the user who generated the report, the plan name, a time stamp when the report was generated, and a title.

The following reports are available:

Report Type


Population Summary Report

Calculates the working census demographics by geography (for example, districts, precincts, or territories).

All Districts Summary Report

Shows the total population, demographics, and voting age population for each district.

Voting Age Population Report

Displays the voting age population (for example, all persons 18 years or older) in each district.

District Geography Report

Shows the total population of each geography in the plan, using the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code.

District Statistics Report

Displays the total population and demographic information by district.

Unassigned Geographies

Generates a statistics table that contains the total population of unassigned geographies in each county of the district, divided into the Federal Information Processing Standards county code.

Comparison Report

Displays differences between the active plan and the compared plan. This option is only available if you have both an active plan and a compared plan open in your Esri Redistricting Online session.

Bill Text

Displays the smallest geography level by district and unassigned geographies.

For example, if a district plan is made using county level assignments only, the Bill Text report displays all districts and the county assignment by district. However, if assignments are made at the Block Group level, the report will list the County-Tract-Block Group assigned for each district in the plan.


Bill Text reports can only be generated to SGML and HTML formats.

District Compactness

Generates a statistics table that contains the compactness of the district.

Assigned District Splits

Lists each county or precinct that is included in a district. Counties that are split (overlap) multiple districts, are denoted with an asterisk (*).

Metes and Bounds

Lists each district boundary using Metes and Bounds, a surveying method in which the limits of a parcel are identified as relative distances and bearings from landmarks.

The Metes and Bounds report describes the district boundaries using TIGER/Line ID (TLID).

Generating a PDF report

Esri Redistricting Online lets you generate reports in PDF format. You can easily save the PDF for viewing or sharing with other users or stakeholders in your organization.

  1. On the Review ribbon, click Reports.
    Reports option on the Review ribbon
  2. Choose the report you want to generate.

    The Report Definition dialog box appears. The report title is automatically generated based on the report selection. The report type generated by default is a PDF.

    Report Definition dialog box for Population Summary Report

    The report fields may vary from your version of the application.

  3. Update the report title if desired (Optional).
  4. Set Report Type to PDF.

    Available report types are PDF, Microsoft Excel, or HTML.

  5. Check the Use Percent (%) checkbox (Optional).

    The Use Percent (%) checkbox is only available on the Population Summary report. When the Use Percent (%) checkbox is checked, the report displays the report fields as a percent value.

  6. Check the Email the report checkbox to sent the report as an email attachment (Optional).

    The Email Settings button enables. Click Email Settings to modify the email recipients, the email subject, and message.

  7. Select the desired report fields from the list of available fields.
  8. Click OK.

    The File Created dialog box appears to let you know the PDF is created.

    File Created dialog box

  9. Click OK to save the file.

    Check View PDF to open the PDF report after you save the report to your local directory.


    You can check View PDF and click Cancel to open the report without saving the PDF file locally.

  10. Navigate to the location on your local machine where you want to save the PDF report.
  11. Click Save.

    If you checked View PDF, the PDF report opens.

    Population Summary Report in PDF

Generating an Excel report

Esri Redistricting OnlineDistrict Plan Viewer lets you generate reports in Microsoft Excel. This format allows you to store your reports using Microsoft Excel functionality, such as multiple worksheets or highlighting edits using the edit tools.

  1. On the Review ribbon, click Reports.
    Reports on Review ribbon
  2. Choose the report you want to generate.

    The Report Definition dialog box appears. The report title is automatically generated based on the report selection. The report type generated by default is a PDF.

  3. Update the report title if desired (Optional).
  4. Set Report Type to Excel.
    Report Definition dialog box for Population Summary Report

    Available report types are PDF, Microsoft Excel, or HTML.


    The report fields may vary from your version of the application.

  5. Check the Use Percent (%) checkbox (Optional).

    The Use Percent (%) checkbox is only available on the Population Summary report. When the Use Percent (%) checkbox is checked, the report displays the report fields as a percent value.

  6. Check the Email the report checkbox to sent the report as an email attachment (Optional).

    The Email Settings button enables. Click Email Settings to modify the email recipients, the email subject, and message.

  7. Select the desired report fields from the list of available fields.
  8. Click OK.

    The File Download dialog box appears.

  9. Click Save to save the file.

    • Click Open to open the file without saving a local copy. The report opens in Excel.
    • Click Cancel to exit the File Download dialog box and close the report.

  10. Navigate to the location on your local machine where you want to save the Excel report.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Navigate to the location on your local machine where you saved the Excel report.
  13. Double-click the Excel report to open it.
    Sample export to Microsoft Excel

    You may need to change the format of the Microsoft Excel columns to display FIPS codes correctly.

    1. In Excel, select the column to format.
    2. Right-click to view the context menu.
    3. Click Format Cells.
    4. On the Number tab, click the General category.
    5. Click OK.

Generating an HTML report

Esri Redistricting Online can produce a report in a fully formatted HTML page for your redistricting plans. Once the report opens, you can save the HTML to your local machine.


Ensure you have enabled pop-up windows on your web browser. When using Internet Explorer, the HTML report will open in a new browser window. If using Firefox, the HTML report will display in a new tab.

  1. On the Review ribbon, click Reports.
    Reports on Review ribbon
  2. Choose the report you want to generate.

    The Report Definition dialog box appears. The report title is automatically generated based on the report selection. The report type generated by default is a PDF.

  3. Update the report title if desired (Optional).
  4. Set Report Type to HTML.
    Report Definition dialog box for All Districts Population Report

    Available report types are PDF, Microsoft Excel, or HTML.

  5. Check the Use Percent (%) checkbox (Optional).

    The Use Percent (%) checkbox is only available on the Population Summary report. When the Use Percent (%) checkbox is checked, the report displays the report fields as a percent value.

  6. Check the Email the report checkbox to send the report as an email attachment (Optional).

    The Email Settings button enables. Click Email Settings to modify the email recipients, the email subject, and message.

  7. Select the desired report fields from the list of available fields.

    The report fields may vary from your version of the application.

  8. Click OK.

    The report opens in HTML.

    Sample export to HTML

As you make your redistricting plan, you can share your plan with other users. You can create groups and limit sharing to groups, or you can opt to share your plan with the Esri Redistricting Online community. See Sharing a plan for more information.
