Opening a shared plan from login

When you first log in to Esri Redistricting Online, you can open plans that have been shared to your user. Shared plans include plans you have shared with groups and the Esri Redistricting Online community, as well as plans that have been shared to groups of which you are a member.

In the Open Plan dialog box, a Shared Plans parent folder organizes your shared plans. A corresponding folder is created for each group of which you are a member and when plans are shared with that group. If no plans have been shared with a group, the group folder will not be listed under Shared Plans. An Everyone folder is also created to organize plans that have been shared to all Esri Redistricting Online users.


For shared plans you do not own, you can open the plan; however, the plan is Read Only. To modify the plan, you must perform a Save As function to create a copy of the plan to your user account. You can then make updates and share your plan with the group.

  1. Log in to Esri Redistricting Online.
  2. On the File ribbon, click Open.
    Open option on the File ribbon

    The Open Plan dialog box appears.

  3. In the Open Plan dialog box, click Shared Plans.
    Shared Plans on the Open Plan dialog box
  4. Navigate to the desired directory.
  5. Click to highlight the plan you want to open.
  6. Click Open Plan.

    If the plan is Read Only, you will see Read Only status in the Open Plan dialog box. However, you will not see Read Only indicators when the plan is opened.

    If the plan is Read/Write, you will be prompted to lock the plan for editing or open the plan as Read Only. When you lock a plan, you are the only user who can perform edits and make changes to the plan. When the plan is open, Read/Write indicators are displayed.
