You are here: Maps, globes, and tasks > Basemaps > World Physical Map

World Physical Map

Image of World Physical Map

Map Service Name: World_Physical_Map

Description: This map presents the Natural Earth physical map at 1.24km per pixel for the world and 500m for the coterminous United States.

Attribution: Source: US National Park Service

Coordinate System: WGS 1984 Web Mercator

Units of Measure: Decimal degrees

Extent in Decimal Degrees:
     Maximum Longitude: 179.999989
     Maximum Latitude: 85.000000
     Minimum Longitude: -179.999989
     Minimum Latitude: -85.000000

Map DPI: 96

Tile Size of Map Cache: 256 pixels by 256 pixels

Map Service Data Format: Map Server Cache in JPG Format

Map Service Size: 421 MB

Map Service Size on Disk: 608 MB

Map Service Number of Files: 87,383

Cached Map Scales: