You are here: Maps, globes, and tasks > Specialty Maps > World Navigation Charts

World Navigation Charts

Map Service Name: World_Navigation_Charts

Description: This map presents a digital version of the Operational Navigation Charts (ONC) at 1:1,000,000-scale, produced by the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). The map includes over 200 charts across the world, excluding parts of North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania where charts are not publicly available.

Attribution: Copyright:© 2010 East View Cartographic

Coordinate System:WGS 1984 Web Mercator 

Units of Measure: Decimal degrees

Extent in Decimal Degrees:
     Maximum Longitude: 179.999989
     Maximum Latitude: 85.000000
     Minimum Longitude: -179.999989
     Minimum Latitude: -85.000000

Map DPI: 96

Tile Size of Map Cache: 256 pixels by 256 pixels

Map Service Data Format: Map Server Cache in JPG Format

Map Service Size: 8.73 GB

Map Service Size on Disk: 10.8 GB

Map Service Number of Files: 1,037,399

Cached Map Scales: