Parameters of MapReport task.
Availability: Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP3.
class MapReportParameters : StandardReportParameters
Property | Description |
Data | Data properties for "Site Details Map" report. Type PropertySet. The following property keys are available for this report: "City", "State", "ZIP", "County", "CBSA", "Tract", and "BlockGroup". |
MapReportLegendInfo | A legend to be drawn on the main map. Type MapReportLegendInfo. The legend consists of the Title and the LegendItems properties. The last property is an array of LegendItem objects, which are Color/Label pairs. Some map report templates don't support the legend. |
Maps (required) | This array specifies maps to be shown in the map report. Type Map[]. The first map in this array is the main map. It is required. Some map reports show more than one map. In this case, the additional maps could be specified within this array. |
StandardReportOptions | Report parameters. The TemplateName parameter specifies a map report template. See MapReport task for details. Type ReportOptions. Inherited from StandardReportParameters. |
ActiveDatasetID | ID of the active dataset. Type String. Available with Business Analyst Server. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
IsFullErrorMessage | Mode for composing error messages. Type Boolean. Available with Business Analyst Server. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
OutputSpatialReference | An option specifying the spatial reference to return the output feature layer in. Type SpatialReference. If this parameter is missing, the output record set will be returned in the default spatial reference. Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP1. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
ReturnGeometry | An option specifying the presence
of the shape attribute in the returned record set. Type Boolean.
Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP1.
Inherited from AnalysisParameters.
Default: true. |
token | User authentication token received from Authentication Web Service. Type String. Available with Business Analyst Online. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
Every map consists of the MapArea and MapDescriptions properties. The first one specifies an extent for the map and the last one is an array of BAMapDescription items.
Every BAMapDescription consists of MapURL, CustomGraphics, and Opacity properties. The MapURL specifies the map service URL. The CustomGraphics specifies an array of custom graphic elements deriving from the GraphicElement type. Images produced with map descriptions will be combined into the map image using their Opacity values.
The ReportHeader parameter of StandardReportOptions property allows subtitle, locationname, address, areadesc2, latitude, longitude, and logo or binarylogo keys. See ReportOptions type for details. Along with header options, you can set the ReportFooter parameter for this property which is also an array of KeyValue. It allows ProductLabel, ProductUrl, PhoneNumber, TrialUrl, and TrialUrlText keys. See MapReport examples.