DesireLinesParameters Type

Parameters of DesireLines task.

Availability: Business Analyst Server.

class DesireLinesParameters : AnalysisParameters

Property Description
AnalysisExtent (optional) Data extent to restrict the analysis. Type ExtentData.
CalculationMethod Distance calculation method. Type esriDistanceCalcType.
CustomerLinkField The attribute field in the input Customers layer that links customers with associated store/business ID. Type String.
Customers A point layer containing point features that represent the locations of customers. Type PointLayer.
CutOffDistance (optional) Cut off threshold distance in the units specified in the CutOffDistance property. Type Double.
CutOffUnits (optional) The distance units of the CutOffDistance property which is used to calculate the cut off distance. Type esriUnits.
DistanceUnits The distance units in which the distance to associated store is calculated and saved in attributes of the output feature layer for every desire line. If calculation method is the drive time, this property is ignored and the drive time is calculated in minutes. Type esriUnits.
SingleStoreID (optional) ID of a single store to generate desire lines. Type String.
StoreIDField The attribute field name in the input Stores layer which is associated with unique store/business IDs (typically store numbers for retail establishments with multiple locations). Type String.
Stores A point layer containing point features such as businesses, hospitals, schools, etc. Type PointLayer.
ActiveDatasetID ID of the active dataset. Type String. Inherited from AnalysisParameters.
IsFullErrorMessage Mode for composing error messages. Type Boolean. Inherited from AnalysisParameters.
OutputSpatialReference An option specifying the spatial reference to return the output feature layer. Type SpatialReference. If this parameter is missing, the output record set will be returned in the default spatial reference. Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP1. Inherited from AnalysisParameters.
ReturnGeometry An option specifying the presence of the shape attribute in the returned record set. Type Boolean. Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP1. Inherited from AnalysisParameters.
Default: true.


The analysis can be restricted to an analysis extent if the AnalysisExtent property is specified. Optional SingleStoreID property restricts the analysis to a single store of the store layer.

The CalculationMethod property specifies a method for distance calculations—straight-line distance, drive distance, or drive time. The distance from a customer to associated store is written to the output feature layer in the "DISTANCE" field for every desire line. This distance is calculated in units specified by the DistanceUnits property. If drive-time desire lines are calculated, the distance is calculated in minutes.

If the CutOffDistance property is specified, the customers out of this straight-line distance from associated stores are excluded from the analysis. The CutOffUnits property should be specified in this case.

See Also