Parameters of AssignCustomersByClosestStore task.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
class AssignByClosestStoreParameters : AssignParameters
Property | Description |
Stores | The store layer to assign customers. Type PointLayer. |
UseThiessenPolygons (optional) | An option specifying the use of Thiessen polygons. Type Boolean. |
AnalysisExtent (optional) | Data extent to restrict the analysis. Type ExtentData. Inherited from AssignParameters.. |
CustomerLinkField | The name of field in the Customers layer to be used for assignment customers with stores. Type String. Inherited from AssignParameters. |
Customers | The customer layer used to assign customers to stores. Type PointLayer. Inherited from AssignParameters. |
StoreIDField | The attribute field name in the Stores layer which is associated with unique store/business IDs (typically store numbers for retail establishments with multiple locations). Type String. Inherited from AssignParameters. |
ActiveDatasetID | ID of the active dataset. Type String. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
IsFullErrorMessage | Mode for composing error messages. Type Boolean. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
OutputSpatialReference | An option specifying the spatial reference to return the output feature layer. Type SpatialReference. If this parameter is missing, the output record set will be returned in the default spatial reference. Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP1. Inherited from AnalysisParameters. |
ReturnGeometry | An option specifying the presence
of the shape attribute in the returned record set. Type Boolean.
Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0 SP1.
Inherited from AnalysisParameters.
Default: true. |
Two algorithms for closest store assignment are implemented: direct assignment and assignment based on creation Thiessen polygons. The first algorithm compares the straight-line distance from a customer to every store and selects a store with minimal distance from the customer. The last algorithm constructs Thiessen equal-competition polygons around stores and then assigns all customers to stores by their association to polygons.
The analysis can be restricted to an analysis extent if the AnalysisExtent property is specified.