StdGeographiesList Method

Returns IDs and names of geography levels which contain features matching the given search criterion.

Availability: Business Analyst Server.

StdGeographiesReturnedFeature[] StdGeographiesList ( 
    StdGeographiesListParams  Parameters 

Parameter Description
Parameters Geographic search parameters. Type StdGeographiesListParams.


Variable of type StdGeographiesReturnedFeature[] containing the lists of IDs and names of geography levels matching to the given feature search criterion


The StdGeographiesList method searches in all standard geography levels for features which match the given search criterion. If a standard geography level contains matching features, it's ID and Name attributes are appended to the resulting list.


The example below requests IDs and names of geography levels which contain features matching the given search criterion.

// Instantiate the BAServerHelper class to access analysis methods
BAServerHelper baServerHelper = new BAServerHelper();
baServerHelper.ActiveDatasetID = "USA_ESRI"; // Optional parameter
StdGeographiesListParams parameters = new StdGeographiesListParams();
parameters.SearchString = "San Di";
// NOTE: The BAServerHelper.StdGeographiesList method changes the type of the
// returned array from StdGeographiesReturnedFeature[] to IDNamePair[]
IDNamePair[] levels = baServerHelper.StdGeographiesList(parameters);

See Also