StdGeographiesFromExtent Method

Geography location names and IDs are returned for a given extent.

Availability: Business Analyst Server, Business Analyst Online.

StdGeographiesReturnedFeature[] StdGeographiesFromExtent ( 
    StdGeographiesFromExtentParams  Parameters 

Parameter Description
Parameters Geographic search parameters. Type StdGeographiesFromExtentParams.


Variable of type StdGeographiesReturnedFeature[]


The example below requests an array of ID/Name locations from a standard geography level which touch the specified extent coordinates. After that a summary report is created for requested locations. The list of available geography levels could be retrieved with GetStandardGeographyLevels method.

// Instantiate the BAServerHelper class to access analysis methods
BAServerHelper baServerHelper = new BAServerHelper();
baServerHelper.ActiveDatasetID = "USA_ESRI"; // Optional parameter
//  Specify extent coordinates
EnvelopeN extent = new EnvelopeN();
extent.XMin = -118.85;
extent.XMax = -116.62;
extent.YMin = 31.11;
extent.YMax = 33.78;
//  Specify extent data
ExtentData extentData = new ExtentData();
extentData.Extent = extent;
StdGeographiesFromExtentParams parameters = new StdGeographiesFromExtentParams();
parameters.AnalysisExtent = extentData;
parameters.GeoLevelID = "US.Counties";
parameters.SpatialRelationship = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
StdGeographiesReturnedFeature[] features = baServerHelper.StdGeographiesFromExtent(parameters);

See Also