SetProjectProperties Method

Sets properties for a project.

Availability: Business Analyst Server.

void SetProjectProperties ( 
    string       WorkspaceName, 
    string       ProjectName, 
    PropertySet  PropertySet 

Parameter Description
WorkspaceName Workspace name. Type String.
ProjectName Project name. Type String.
PropertySet Properties. Type PropertySet.


The example below demonstrates making changes to project settings in Business Analyst Server Repository.

// Instantiate the BAServerHelper class to access analysis methods
BAServerHelper baServerHelper = new BAServerHelper();
string workspace = "Default Workspace";
string project = "project_SetProjectProperties";
// Create the project.
// Before creating this project we try to remove it just in case.
try { baServerHelper.DeleteProject(workspace, project); }
catch { }
baServerHelper.CreateProject(workspace, project);
PropertySetProperty dataset = new PropertySetProperty();
dataset.Key = "DatasetID";
dataset.Value = "USA_ESRI";
PropertySetProperty backgroundMap = new PropertySetProperty();
backgroundMap.Key = "BACKGROUND_MAP_0";
backgroundMap.Value = "BA_Detailed";
PropertySet properties = new PropertySet();
properties.PropertyArray = new PropertySetProperty[] { dataset, backgroundMap };
baServerHelper.SetProjectProperties(workspace, project, properties);
// Remove the project
baServerHelper.DeleteProject(workspace, project);

See Also