B U S I N E S S   A N A L Y S T   S E R V E R   10.1   R E S T   U T I L I T I E S

Standard Geographies Lookup Utilities



Create Standard Geographies

Creates a study/trade area consisting of standard geography regions.

Return Standard Geography

Returns IDs and names of features from specified geography levels that match the given location.

Standard Geographies by Attributes

Geography location names and IDs are returned for a string-based query.

Standard Geographies from Extent

Geography location names and IDs are returned for a given extent.

Standard Geographies from Tree

Geography location names and IDs are returned for a query to the hierarchy of standard geography levels.

Standard Geographies List

Returns IDs and names of geography levels which contain features matching the given search criterion.

Standard Geographies Tree

Returns the tree of standard geography levels.