
Installing ArcMap Server

ArcIMS ArcMap Server, installed as a sub-feature of ArcIMS Spatial Server, allows users to create maps in ArcMap and serve them over the internet via an ArcIMS Web site. Services created with ArcMap Server, called ArcMap Image Services, can be viewed using the same client viewers as ArcIMS Image and Feature Services. ArcMap Server requires an authorization file.



If installing ArcMap Server as part of a distributed system, you will need to also set up your ArcIMS Host Machine. See Installing multiple Spatial Servers (Installing and Configuring your ArcIMS Host Machine, and Additional Configuration of the ArcIMS Host Machine), for information on setting up your ArcIMS Host Machine.  



  • These instructions describe an ArcMap Server installation only. To install the ArcIMS Host (Map Creation and Administration tools, Connector and ArcIMS Application Server), refer to Performing a typical installation.


ArcIMS Authorization file

ArcIMS Spatial Server and ArcIMS ArcMap Server require an authorization file for use. Each machine installing these features will require a unique authorization file. For information on obtaining an authorization file, see the topic To obtain an authorization file.


If you install ArcIMS Spatial Server and/or ArcIMS ArcMap Server, the post installation option ArcIMS Authorization will configure your machine using the authorization file you received from Customer Service.


How to prepare to install ArcMap Server

  1. Obtain an authorization file for the machine you will install ArcMap Server on.

  2. Verify that your site meets the system requirements. For system requirement information see Step 1: Verify system requirements

  3. Log in as a user with administrator privileges.

  4. Close all applications on your computer.

  5. Insert the ArcIMS media into the appropriate drive to automatically launch the setup program.



  • You may be prompted to install the Microsoft Windows Installer.

  • If you do not have Internet Explorer 6 or higher and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.5 or higher the install will optionally let you install MDAC 2.5. You must obtain and install Internet Explorer 6 or higher. Internet Explorer 6 or higher and MDAC 2.5 is required for ArcIMS ArcMap Server. Internet Explorer 6 or higher is also required for the ActiveX connector.


How to install ArcMap Server

  1. During the installation you will be asked to read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you don't agree with the terms.


  1. At the Select Features dialog box, expand the Server Components feature by clicking on the + sign to view the sub-features, then expand the Spatial Server feature. Spatial Server contains the ArcMap Server sub-feature. Click the dropdown arrow to the left of the ArcMap Server sub-feature. From the list, select Will be installed on local hard drive to install ArcMap Server.



  1. An ArcMap Server sample is also available for installation. Expand the Samples feature and select ArcMap Server Sample. Click on the dropdown arrow to the left of the ArcMap Server Sample sub-feature. From the list, select Will be installed on local hard drive to install the ArcMap Server sample.


  1. To complete the installation, follow the directions on your screen.



  • ArcMap Server is installed under <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\Server




The following ArcIMS post installation options are required to successfully install ArcIMS ArcMap Server:

ArcIMS Authorization Configuration

ArcIMS Configuration


If you select a typical post installation setup these post installation options are automatically selected. See The Post Installation topic for information on the post installation setup options.




  • The setup stores the necessary configuration information to use the applications in the \profiles\username location of the user that installed ArcIMS. If you need alternate login accounts to use ArcIMS applications, copy the file from the profiles\username folder of the account that installed ArcIMS to the \profiles\username folder of the alternate users. It is important to copy the file (which will have been updated during the initial installation) that resides in the installer's profile folder. The file located in the ArcIMS\Common installation location contains default values and will not work.



    1. Additional configuration steps for ArcIMS ArcMap Server



If ArcMap Server and ArcGIS Desktop are on the same machine


Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Server


Windows XP



  • For information on using ArcMap Server see ArcIMS Help.