Creating mobile projects

You can open the Mobile Project Center using the Start Menu. It is located within the ArcGIS Mobile program group. The start page contains the list of projects you have recently worked with in the application. Clicking on the project will open it directly. At the bottom of the page, clicking the New link will get you started with creating a project.

Creating New Projects

Once you click New to create a new project, you enter the Project Page. From within the project page you can navigate between the map content, tasks content and additional capabilities that are included in your project. Simply click on Tasks to switch to the list of tasks in your project.

Your mobile project consists of:

Once you have finished creating your project, you can save it locally on your computer, to a web server or to your ArcGIS Online account. The first time that you save the project, you will be prompted to enter project properties such as the title, description, tags and a thumbnail image. These properties define the item content for your project when stored on a project server or inside of ArcGIS Online.
