AnnotationLayer Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events Send Feedback
ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.MobileServices Namespace : AnnotationLayer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnotationLayer.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAllowDuplicateLabels Enables/disables the display of duplicate layers for this feature layer. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyAllowModify Indicates existing data in the layer can be modified. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyAllowNew Indicates if new data can be added to this layer. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyColumns Returns the column collection representing attribute fields in a feature layer. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyDataSource Gets the Layer DataSource. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Public PropertyDefaultSubtypeValue Gets the default subtype value if it applies. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyDefaultVisibilityGets the default visibility for this layer. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyDisplayColumnIndex Gets the display column index. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyDisplayColumnName Gets the display column name. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyFidColumnIndex Gets the primary key column index. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyFidColumnName Gets the primary key column name. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyGeometryColumnIndex Gets the ESRI Geometry column index. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyGeometryColumnName Gets the ESRI Geometry column name. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyGeometryType Gets the type of geometry contained in the FeatureLayer. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyGlobalIdColumnIndex Gets the global Id column index. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyGlobalIdColumnName Gets the global Id column name. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyHasEdits Returns true if the feature layer has edits. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyHasSubtypes Indicates if the FeatureLayer has subtypes. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyIdGets the unique identifier for the layer. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyIsVersioned Indicates if the layer is versioned. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyMobileCache Gets the mobile cache this layer belongs to. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyMobileService Gets the MobileService. (Inherited from MobileServiceLayer)
Public PropertyName Gets or sets a string containing the name of the layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Public PropertyNamespace Gets the namespace for the XML representation of the data. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyRenderer Gets the list of renderers for the Layer. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyRenderers Gets the list of renderers for the Layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Public PropertyServerFeatureClassName Gets the server feature class name. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertySubtypeColumnIndex Gets the subtype column index. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertySubtypeColumnName Gets the subtype column name. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public PropertyTransparencyGets the mapLayer transparency value in percentage. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Public PropertyVersionName Gets the version name used by this layer when data is retrieved from or posted to the server. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public PropertyWorkspace Gets the editing workspace for this layer. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)

Public Methods

Public MethodCancelAllEditsOverloaded.  Cancel all edits, original data are restored. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodCancelEditsOverloaded.  Cancels edit for a list of features. if fids is null then it will cancel all edits. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodChangeVersionName Change the editing version for the layer. If the layer is not empty, the data will be removed from the cache. The targetEditingVersionName is not verified against the server until a request is executed, be sure to provide a valid version name. A version name can be created from the client onto the server by using the CreateDedicatedVersionAsync and CloseDedicatedVersionAsync. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetDataReaderOverloaded.  FeatureDataReader returns an implementation of ADO.NET System.Data.IDataReader providing access to data. The returned data is based on a query filter and it corresponds to the cached data and the edits. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetDataTableOverloaded.  Gets an empty FeatureDataTable. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetDefaultValueOverloaded.  Returns the default value for the given subtype code and column index. If no subtypes are defined for this feature layer, the default subtype code = 0 should be used. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetDomainOverloaded.  Gets the Domain for a specific field and subtype code (DataTable for coded domain and RangeDomain for range domain). (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetEditsCount Gets the number of edited features in the feature layer. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetExtent Returns an envelope describing full boundary of this layer. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public MethodGetFeatureCountOverloaded.  Returns the current feature count. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetStoredEditState Returns the stored edit state of this feature. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodGetSubtypesReturns the subtypes DataTable. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodInScaleRange Returns true if the Layer is visible at the specified scale. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Public MethodIsDataCached Determines if data has been cached for the specified area. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodMakeMapLayer Returns a MapLayer for this Layer. (Inherited from MobileServiceLayer)
Public MethodRemoveData Removes from the cache storage the non edited data for the given extent. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodRemoveFeatures Removes the non edited features for the extent and expression. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodRestoreDefaultVersionName Restores the default editing version name. It will remove all the cached data for the layer. (Inherited from MobileCacheLayer)
Public MethodSaveEdits Applies the changes from the FeatureDataTable into the deleted, updated, and added features. (Inherited from FeatureLayer)
Public MethodToString Overridden. Returns the name of the Layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodOnClosing Broadcasts the Closing event. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Protected MethodOnDataChanged Broadcasts the DataChanged event. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)

Public Events

Public EventClosingOccurs when the layer is closing . (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)
Public EventDataChanged Occurs when data have been added to or removed from the Layer, or when the data gets updated in the Layer. (Inherited from ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Layer)

See Also