ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.MobileServices Namespace
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ClassAnnotationLayer Provides access to annotation layer stored in the cache.
ClassAnnotationLayerSyncAgent Represents the settings for an annotation layer involved in a synchronization.
ClassAnnotationRenderer Class that represents a raster renderer.
ClassClassBreakFeatureType Class Break Feature Type Class
ClassClassBreaksRenderer Defines a series of breaks and corresponding symbol used by a layers to render features.
ClassCloseVersionRequest Request for closing a version on the server.
ClassCodedValueDomain Represents a collection of code/value pair. Used for subtypes and domains.
ClassCreateVersionRequest Contains the data for creating a version on the server.
ClassCrypto Mobile cryptographic base class. Only stream encryption is supported.
ClassDecomposedExtent When a FeatureLayerSyncAgent download data, it needs to decompose the requested extent into a subset of manageable extents based on a feature count threshold.
ClassFeatureDataReader The FeatureDataReader is the ADO equivalent of a cursor. The Read method moves the cursor to the next record. The IDataRecord members let you get the values from the record.
ClassFeatureDataRecord Represents a row of updatable values from a feature layer. A FeatureDataReader returns one or more FeatureDataRecord.
ClassFeatureDataRow Represents a row of data in a FeatureLyerDataTable.
ClassFeatureDataTable A FeatureDataTable is a specific implementation of an ADO.Net DataTable. It provides a spatial index for a faster row retrieval based on spatial search.
ClassFeatureLayer Class defining a feature layer in the cache.
ClassFeatureLayerSyncAgent Represents the settings for a feature layer involved in a synchronization.
ClassFeatureLayerSyncProgressEventArgs Used by FeatureLayerSyncAgent.OnProgressChanged.
ClassFeatureLayerSyncResults Represents a summary of a synchronization session for a feature layer.
ClassFeatureRenderer Defines a base class for feature layer based renderers.
ClassFeaturesChangedEventArgs EventArgs sent by the DataChanged event.
ClassFeatureType FeatureType Class
ClassFeatureTypeDictionary Feature Type Dictionary Class
ClassGetFeatureCountRequest A synchronization request used for requesting a feature count from a Map for a particular FeatureLayer.
ClassGetFeaturesProgressState Contains the progress details for the GetFeaturesRequest.
ClassGetFeaturesRequest A synchronization request used for requesting features from a Map for a particular FeatureLayer.
ClassGetRasterTilesProgressState Contains the progress details for the GetRasterTilesRequest.
ClassGetRasterTilesRequest A pending RasterRequest object specifying the desired extent, resolution and layers.
ClassMapDocumentConnection Defines a connection to Map Document (MXD) and its data used for synchronizing local data.
ClassMobileCache Stores the data from a Map Document in a local cache.
ClassMobileCacheLayer Represents a Layer stored in a MobileCache.
ClassMobileCacheMapLayer Allows to render a mobile cache layer into a map control.
ClassMobileCacheSyncAgent Represents a collection of SyncAgents and offers methods and properties that applies to the collection.
ClassMobileCacheSyncAgent.SyncAgentCollection Represents a collection of SyncAgents.
ClassMobileCacheSyncAgentProgressEventArgs Provides data for ProgressChanged event.
ClassMobileCacheSyncResults Represents a summary of a MobileCache synchronization session.
ClassMobileService OBSOLETE - MobileService stores the layer data that has been retrieved from an ArcGIS Mobile Server to a local disk file.
ClassMobileServiceConnection Defines a connection to Map Document (MXD) and its data through an ArcGIS server.
ClassMobileServiceLayer Defines layers stored in the MobileService. Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of MobileServiceLayer derive.
ClassMobileServiceMapLayer MapLayer used to add MobileService Layer to a particular Map.
ClassPostFeaturesRequest Request for posting edited features on the server.
ClassPrecisionSystem Defines a precision system for mobile service. The geometry stored in the MobileService cache are compressed using a precision system.
ClassRangeValueDomain Defines a range of valid values for a FeatureDataTable column.
ClassRasterLayer Class defining a raster layer in the cache.
ClassRasterLayerSyncAgent Represents the settings for a raster layer involved in a synchronization.
ClassRasterLayerSyncResults Represents a summary of a synchronization session for a raster layer.
ClassRasterRenderer Class that represents a raster renderer.
ClassReadOnlyColumnCollection Collection used by FeatureLayer for the list of columns.
ClassReadOnlyFeatureLayerCollection Readonly collection of Feature Layers.
ClassRequest Base class for MobileService Requests.
ClassRequestCompletedEventArgs EventArgs class used to indicate the completion of a request on the MobileService.
ClassRequestException Exception returned by Requests when the server failed to execute the request.
ClassRequestManager Used by the MobileService to manage the queue of synchronization requests.
ClassRequestProgressChangedEventArgs Class used to report the progress of requests.
ClassRequestProgressState Class that contains the details of progress for a request.
ClassRequestStatistic Request used to access information on last server request. Useful for measuring the performance of your service and prototyping your development.
ClassSimpleRenderer The layer is using a single symbol to represent the features.
ClassSingleLayerRequest Request that applies to only one layer
ClassSyncAgent Represents the settings for data objects involved in a synchronization.
ClassSyncResults Represents a summary of a synchronization session.
ClassUniqueValue Represents a unique value for a UniqueValueRenderer.
ClassUniqueValueFeatureType UniqueValueFeatureType Class
ClassUniqueValueRenderer Defines a collection of unique values and symbol used by a Layer to renderer Features.
ClassWorkspace Represents the information about the workspace.


InterfaceIFeatureDataRecord Provides access to the column values within each row for a FeatureDataReader.
InterfaceIFeatureDataRecordEdit Provides access to the column values within each row for editing for a FeatureDataReader.


EnumerationCacheOpenMode Initialization options for the MobileService cache.
EnumerationCacheVersion The different cache versions supported.
EnumerationCloseVersionActions Type of action to execute on the server when closing the version.
EnumerationEditState Describes the state of features in the cache. Used fro query or as properties or returned argument on FeatureDataRow, FeatureDataReader, and FeatureDataRecord.
EnumerationFeatureLayerSyncStep Describes the current synchronization step of a FeatureLayerSyncAgent.
EnumerationFeaturesChangedType Used by MobileServiceDataChangedEventArgs to describe the type of data change.
EnumerationRequestErrorCode Error code returned by the Mobile Service when it failed to execute a request.
EnumerationRequestProgressStep Used to report the progress of a request thru the RequestProgressChangedEvent.
EnumerationSaveFeatureError Enum used to report Save Features issues.
EnumerationSyncDirection Defines the direction that data changes flow, from the perspective of the cache.
EnumerationSyncPhase Describes the sync agent progress phases.
EnumerationSyncState Defines the state that synchronization agent is in.
EnumerationWebClientProtocolType Defines the type of connection protocol used by the MobileService object for data synchronization.

See Also