Uses of Class

Packages that use WebMap Provides classes for all the different elements of a map. Provides interface classes used to handle events from maps and popups. 
com.esri.core.portal Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. 

Uses of WebMap in

Constructors in with parameters of type WebMap
MapView(android.content.Context context, WebMap webmap, String bingMapsAppId, OnMapEventListener listener)
          The constructor is used if you are instantiating the MapView using a WebMap.

Uses of WebMap in

Methods in with parameters of type WebMap
 void OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLayerAdd(MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, UserCredentials credentials)
          Implements this method to handle the event when adding a WebMapLayer to a MapView.
 MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLoadError(MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, Throwable error, UserCredentials credentials)
          Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors.

Uses of WebMap in com.esri.core.portal

Methods in com.esri.core.portal that return WebMap
static WebMap WebMap.newInstance(BaseMap basemap, Envelope extent, SpatialReference sr)
          Creates a WebMap using a BaseMap and Extent.
static WebMap WebMap.newInstance(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser, Envelope extent, SpatialReference sr)
          Creates a WebMap using JSON data and Extent.

Method parameters in com.esri.core.portal with type arguments of type WebMap
static void WebMap.newInstance(PortalItem portalItem, CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
          Creates a WebMap from a PortalItem.
static void WebMap.newInstance(String itemId, Portal portal, CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
          Creates a WebMap using an Item's id obtained from a Portal.
static void WebMap.newInstance(URL itemIdURL, String username, String password, CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
          Creates a WebMap from a URL to an item id that represents this Web Map stored in a Portal.

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