Measure area, distance, and location

When working with a map, you can use the Measure button to determine the length of a line, the area of a polygon, and also determine the coordinates of a point on the map. Before or after performing each measurement, you can set or change the units of measurement. You can also copy the result to the clipboard.

To make a measurement

  1. Click Mapping to show the Mapping toolbar and click the Measure button The Measure button on the Mapping toolbar to display the Measure toolbar.

    The Measure toolbar

  2. Choose the tool you want to use and click on the map to take a measurement:
    • Click the Measure a distance button Measure a distance, then click on the map once for every vertex of the line you want to measure. Double-click to complete the line. This tool is already selected by default when you first open the Measure toolbar.
    • Click the Measure an area button Measure an area, then click on the map once for every vertex of the area you want to measure. Double-click to complete the area.
    • Click the Get the location of a point button Get the location of a point, then click on the map at the location for which you want to get coordinates.

    The measurement or location will appear in the toolbar.

    The Measure toolbar showing the result of measuring a distance

  3. When you are finished using the measure tools, click the Done button at the left of the Measure toolbar to return to the Mapping toolbar.

To copy the measurement or coordinate values

Click the Copy button Copy button on the Measure toolbar to copy the value of the measurement or the coordinate values to your clipboard.

To change the units of the result

Either before or after making a measurement, choose a unit of measurement from the drop-down list shown in the Measure toolbar. If you change units after making a measurement, the current result will be converted to the newly selected unit.

Measure toolbar distance units listMeasure toolbar area units list

When you use Measure to get the location of a point, the current coordinate units of the map are used to report the coordinates of the point. These are the units reported in the coordinates readout display that can be shown at the bottom of the map by clicking the XY button in the Navigator. You can change format by choosing a different format from the drop-down list shown in the Measure toolbar.

Measure toolbar coordinate format list

Learn more about showing coordinates using the Navigator

To move the map while measuring

You may find that what you want to measure is not completely contained within the current extent of the map; for example, a street or parcel may extend beyond what is visible. In order to move the map as you're measuring, while still maintaining the cumulative total distance or area, you can simply hold down the left mouse button and pan the map in the direction you want. Once you're at the location you want to be, resume measuring by clicking the map with the left mouse button.


You can also use the keyboard shortcuts to navigate while measuring. Learn more about navigating with the keyboard
