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Represents the criteria used to perform either an attribute or spatial search on a Table.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data
Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public sealed class Filter
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public NotInheritable Class Filter


A Filter object must be passed into the Search method to perform a query on a Table. All the possible query types can be set up using the appropriate constructor overload. Alternatively create a filter object and set the appropriate properties.

For more information on using the Filter class, see How to Search a Table.


The code below provides two examples of searching a Table. The first is an SQL-based query to find all mountains which are classified as Munros and the second performs a spatial search to find all mountains within the Edinburgh region.
//Open the mountains and regions feature classes stored in the Scotland file geodatabase
Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(@"C:\Data\Scotland.gdb");
Table mountainsTable = gdb.OpenTable("mountains");
Table regionsTable = gdb.OpenTable("regions");

//Example 1 
//Perform a SQL-based, attribute query to find all mountains classified as being Munros

RowCollection rows = mountainsTable.Search(new Filter("Type = 'Munro'"));

foreach (Row mtn in rows)
  //Print the name of each Munro that is stored in the Name column

//Example 2 
//Perform a spatial query to find all mountains contained within the Edinburgh region

//get row for Edinburgh from Regions table
Row edinRow = regionsTable.GetRow(5);

//perform a spatial search 
rows = mountainsTable.Search(new Filter(edinRow.Geometry, FilterSearchOptions.Contains));

foreach (Row mtn in rows)
  //Print the name of each mountain that is stored in the Name column
'Open the mountains and regions feature classes stored in the Scotland file geodatabase
Dim gdb As Geodatabase = New Geodatabase("C:\Data\Scotland.gdb")
Dim mountainsTable As Table = gdb.OpenTable("mountains")
Dim regionsTable As Table = gdb.OpenTable("regions")

'Example 1 
'Perform a SQL-based, attribute query to find all mountains classified as being Munros
Dim rows As RowCollection = mountainsTable.Search(New Filter("Type = 'Munro'"))

For Each mtn As Row In rows
  'Print the name of each Munro that is stored in the Name column

'Example 2 
'Perform a spatial query to find all mountains contained within the Edinburgh region

'get row for Edinburgh from Regions table
Dim edinRow As Row = regionsTable.GetRow(5)

'perform a spatial search 
rows = mountainsTable.Search(New Filter(edinRow.Geometry, FilterSearchOptions.Contains))

For Each mtn As Row In rows
  'Print the name of each mountain that is stored in the Name column

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

Relate Topics:
  Filter Members
  Filter Constructor
  Filter Methods
  Filter Properties
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