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Represents both tabular data and spatial vector data. In the context of a geodatabase, a Table object represents either a table or feature class entity whereas when accessing data in a directory it represents either a dBase table or a shapefile.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data
Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public sealed class Table : IDisposable
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public NotInheritable Class Table _
	Implements IDisposable


A Table object can be created in a number of different ways depending on the data source type:

  • From the Geodatabase.OpenTable method when opening a geodatabase feature class or table.
  • From the DataDirectory.OpenTable method when opening a shapefile or dBase table.
  • From the static methods on the Table class. To open a geodatabase feature class or table use OpenFileGeodatabaseTable, or OpenArcSDETable. To open a shapefile or dBase file use OpenShapefile.
  • From the result of joining two tables together using either Table.Join or TableRelationship.CreateJoinedTable. A common scenario for doing this is where one Table contains only spatial data and another contains attribute data relating to the spatial data. As long as they share a Column, most commonly an ID Column, they can be joined together.

At a basic level a Table is defined by the Columns it contains as these determine what type of data it is capable of storing. A Column is synonymous with a Field, which is a commonly used term in ArcGIS Desktop documentation. The data itself is stored in rows; use the GetRow method to return a specific row by ID or the GetRows method to return all or some of the rows. Alternatively you can query any type of Table using the Search method and for spatially enabled tables you can also use the SearchByDistance method.

You can return the relationships in which a Table participates using the Geodatabase.GetTableRelationships method. To get a specific geodatabase relationship, use the Geodatabase.OpenTableRelationship method. Table performance, particularly when executing queries, is largely governed by the presence of indexes on the appropriate columns; you can use the Indexes property to manage the Table's IndexCollection.

It is important to remember that not all the properties and methods on this class apply to all data types; some only apply to data stored in a geodatabase (check using RootDataContainer property) while others only apply to spatially enabled data types (check using IsSpatial property). For a geodatabase Table you can find out whether it has been subtyped using the IsSubtyped property, which means that the Table has been sub-divided into a number of different categories based on the values in a particular Column (Subtypes). For a spatially enabled Table you can find out what type of geometry it can store (GeometryType), what coordinate system the geometries will be stored in (CoordinateSystem) and return the maximum extent (i.e. bounding box) of all geometries currently in the Table (Extent).


The code below demonstrates how to use the Table class. Three different datasets are opened: a geodatabase feature class of tree stands, a geodatabase table of species components and a shapefile of protected areas. The analysis finds all the tree stands which intersect the protected areas, then for each tree stands finds the constituent tree species. The results are presented in a DatagridView control by making use of the TableBindingAdapter class.
//Open Forestry file geodatabase
Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(@"C:\Data\Forestry.gdb");

//Open the STANDS feature class containing polygons representing the tree stands.
Table treeStandsTable = gdb.OpenTable("STANDS");

//Open the COMPONENTS table which contains tree species information for each stand.
Table componentsTable = gdb.OpenTable("COMPONENTS");

//Open a ProtectedAreas shapefile of archaeologically sensitive areas.
Table protectedAreasTable = Table.OpenShapefile(@"C:\Data\ProtectedAreas.shp");

//Create a List to store ObjectID's
List<int> objectIDList = new List<int>();

//Loop over each protected area and perform a spatial query to find the tree
//stands which intersect each protected area
foreach (Row protectedArea in protectedAreasTable.GetRows())
  Geometry protectedAreaShape = protectedArea.Geometry;
  RowCollection foundTreeStands = treeStandsTable.Search(new Filter(protectedAreaShape, FilterSearchOptions.Intersects));

  //Loop over the found rows
  foreach (Row treeStand in foundTreeStands)
    //The STANDS feature class and COMPONENTS table are related by a 1:M relationship class called
    //StandsComponents. Use the GetRelatedRows method to find the components which make up each
    //tree stand.          
    RowCollection components = treeStand.GetRelatedRows("StandsComponents");
    foreach (Row component in components)
      //Add the ID for each Row to the list

//Present the results of the analysis in a tabular report
TableBindingAdapter bindingAdapter = new TableBindingAdapter(componentsTable);

//Create a DataGridView control
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dataGridView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView();
//Set the Datasource to be the bindingSource1 object 
dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingAdapter;
'Open Forestry file geodatabase
Dim gdb As Geodatabase = New Geodatabase("C:\Data\Forestry.gdb")

'Open the STANDS feature class containing polygons representing the tree stands.
Dim treeStandsTable As Table = gdb.OpenTable("STANDS")

'Open the COMPONENTS table which contains tree species information for each stand.
Dim componentsTable As Table = gdb.OpenTable("COMPONENTS")

'Open a ProtectedAreas shapefile of archaeologically sensitive areas.
Dim protectedAreasTable As Table = Table.OpenShapefile("C:\Data\ProtectedAreas.shp")

'Create a List to store ObjectID's
Dim objectIDList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)()

'Loop over each protected area and perform a spatial query to find the tree
'stands which intersect each protected area
For Each protectedArea As Row In protectedAreasTable.GetRows()

  Dim protectedAreaShape As Geometry = protectedArea.Geometry
  Dim foundTreeStands As RowCollection = treeStandsTable.Search(New Filter(protectedAreaShape, FilterSearchOptions.Intersects))

  'Loop over the found rows
  For Each treeStand As Row In foundTreeStands

    'The STANDS feature class and COMPONENTS table are related by a 1:M relationship class called
    'StandsComponents. Use the GetRelatedRows method to find the components which make up each
    'tree stand.          
    Dim components As RowCollection = treeStand.GetRelatedRows("StandsComponents")
    For Each component As Row In components
      'Add the ID for each Row to the list

'Present the results of the analysis in a tabular report
Dim bindingAdapter As TableBindingAdapter = New TableBindingAdapter(componentsTable)

'Create a DataGridView control
Dim dataGridView1 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView()
'Set the Datasource to be the bindingSource1 object 
dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingAdapter

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

Relate Topics:
  Table Members
  Table Methods
  Table Properties
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