Indicates the type of shape represented by this geometry.
ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (
C# |
public enum GeometryType |
Visual Basic (Declaration) |
Public Enumeration GeometryType |
Value | Member name | Description | |
5 | Envelope |
Indicates the geometry is an Envelope, representing a rectangle with sides parallel to the coordinate system.
| |
9 | Multipatch |
Indicates the geometry is a Multipatch, representing a 3D shape such as a building or a tree.
| |
2 | Multipoint |
Indicates the geometry is a Multipoint, representing an ordered collection of Point objects.
| |
0 | None |
Indicates a non-spatial Table or otherwise unknown type of Geometry which cannot be
directly represented by any of the types of Geometry class in ArcGIS Explorer.
| |
1 | Point |
Indicates the geometry is a Point, representing a single location.
| |
4 | Polygon |
Indicates the geometry is a Polygon, representing a shape defined by one or more rings, where a ring is a path that starts and ends at the same point.
| |
3 | Polyline |
Indicates the geometry is a Polyline, representing a shape defined by one or more paths, in which a path is a series of connected linear segments.
This enum is returned by a number of properties, and is used to work out which type of shape is represented by the objects:
- Geometry.GeometryType - Indicates the underlying class type of the Geometry object.
- Column.GeometryType - Indicates the type of geometries stored in the spatial (Geometry) Column of a Table.
- Table.GeometryType - Indicates the type of geometries stored in the Table.
Non-spatial Tables will return the None GeometryType.
The GeometryType enum is also used in a number of members within the other ArcGIS Explorer namespaces:
- GetDefault(GeometryType) - This static method will return a default Symbol for use with the indicated GeometryType.
- GeometryTypeToSymbolType(GeometryType) - This static method can be used to identify the appropriate type of SymbolType for drawing the specified GeometryType.
The example below summarizes the number of FeatureLayers in the current Map which have different
types of geometry, using the GeometryType property of the FeatureLayer class.

// Get all of the FeatureLayers in the Map. ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Mapping.MapDisplay disp = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.ActiveMapDisplay; System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<FeatureLayer> flyrs = disp.Map.GetMapItems<FeatureLayer>(); // Count each type of feature layer geometry. int ptLyrs = 0; int mptLyrs = 0; int plineLyrs = 0; int pgonLyrs = 0; int mpchLyrs = 0; foreach (FeatureLayer lyr in flyrs) { switch (lyr.GeometryType) { case GeometryType.Multipatch: mpchLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Multipoint: mptLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Point: ptLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Polygon: pgonLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Polyline: plineLyrs++; break; default: break; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Point Layers: " + ptLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Multipoint Layers: " + mptLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Polyline Layers: " + plineLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Polygon Layers: " + pgonLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Multipatch Layers: " + mpchLyrs.ToString()); }

' Get all of the FeatureLayers in the Map. Dim disp As ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Mapping.MapDisplay = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.ActiveMapDisplay Dim flyrs As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of FeatureLayer) = disp.Map.GetMapItems(Of FeatureLayer)() ' Count each type of feature layer geometry. Dim ptLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim mptLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim plineLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim pgonLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim mpchLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim lyr As FeatureLayer For Each lyr In flyrs Select Case lyr.GeometryType Case GeometryType.Multipatch mpchLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Multipoint mptLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Point ptLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Polygon pgonLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Polyline plineLyrs += 1 Case Else End Select System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Point Layers: " + ptLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Multipoint Layers: " + mptLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Polyline Layers: " + plineLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Polygon Layers: " + pgonLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Multipatch Layers: " + mpchLyrs.ToString())) Next lyr
See Also
Relate Topics:
CoordinateSystem Class
CoordinateSystem.GeographicCoordinateSystems Class
CoordinateSystem.ProjectedCoordinateSystems Class
CoordinateSystemType Enumeration
Envelope Class
GeodesicUtilities Class
GeographicTransformation Class
GeographicTransformationCollection Class
Geometry Class
GeometryOperations Class
Multipatch Class
Multipoint Class
Point Class
Polygon Class
Polyline Class
SoapConverter Class
Unit Class
Unit.Angular Class
Unit.Area Class
Unit.Linear Class
UnitNameOptions Enumeration
UnitType Enumeration
CoordinateSystem Class
CoordinateSystem.GeographicCoordinateSystems Class
CoordinateSystem.ProjectedCoordinateSystems Class
CoordinateSystemType Enumeration
Envelope Class
GeodesicUtilities Class
GeographicTransformation Class
GeographicTransformationCollection Class
Geometry Class
GeometryOperations Class
Multipatch Class
Multipoint Class
Point Class
Polygon Class
Polyline Class
SoapConverter Class
Unit Class
Unit.Angular Class
Unit.Area Class
Unit.Linear Class
UnitNameOptions Enumeration
UnitType Enumeration
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