ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (
C# |
public class Geometry |
Visual Basic (Declaration) |
Public Class Geometry |
A geometry is an object defining a geometric shape. It provides access to properties and methods shared by all geometric objects; for example the center of the shape (GetCenter()()()), the bounding box of the shape (GetEnvelope()()()), and also the CoordinateSystem associated with the geometry which helps locate it exactly on the earth.
The Geometry class is a superclass for all classes representing different types of geometrical shapes in ArcGIS Explorer; Point, Multipoint, Polygon, Polyline, Envelope, and Multipatch.
A Geometry is returned from various members which can store different types of geometrical shape, for example Row.Geometry, Filter.Geometry, and Graphic.Geometry. Use the GeometryType property to determine which type of geometry is referenced (or alternatively try casting).

// Get all of the FeatureLayers in the Map. ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Mapping.MapDisplay disp = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.ActiveMapDisplay; System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<FeatureLayer> flyrs = disp.Map.GetMapItems<FeatureLayer>(); // Count each type of feature layer geometry. int ptLyrs = 0; int mptLyrs = 0; int plineLyrs = 0; int pgonLyrs = 0; int mpchLyrs = 0; foreach (FeatureLayer lyr in flyrs) { switch (lyr.GeometryType) { case GeometryType.Multipatch: mpchLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Multipoint: mptLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Point: ptLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Polygon: pgonLyrs++; break; case GeometryType.Polyline: plineLyrs++; break; default: break; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Point Layers: " + ptLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Multipoint Layers: " + mptLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Polyline Layers: " + plineLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Polygon Layers: " + pgonLyrs.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Multipatch Layers: " + mpchLyrs.ToString()); }

' Get all of the FeatureLayers in the Map. Dim disp As ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Mapping.MapDisplay = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.ActiveMapDisplay Dim flyrs As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of FeatureLayer) = disp.Map.GetMapItems(Of FeatureLayer)() ' Count each type of feature layer geometry. Dim ptLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim mptLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim plineLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim pgonLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim mpchLyrs As Integer = 0 Dim lyr As FeatureLayer For Each lyr In flyrs Select Case lyr.GeometryType Case GeometryType.Multipatch mpchLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Multipoint mptLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Point ptLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Polygon pgonLyrs += 1 Case GeometryType.Polyline plineLyrs += 1 Case Else End Select System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Point Layers: " + ptLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Multipoint Layers: " + mptLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Polyline Layers: " + plineLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Polygon Layers: " + pgonLyrs.ToString())) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(("Multipatch Layers: " + mpchLyrs.ToString())) Next lyr
Inheritance Hierarchy