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The CoordinateSystem..::.ProjectedCoordinateSystems..::.CountySystems..::.WisconsinCRS type exposes the following members.


Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Adams (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103300.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Adams (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103400.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Ashland (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103301.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Ashland (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103401.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Barron (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103302.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Barron (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103402.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Bayfield (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103303.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Bayfield (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103403.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Brown (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103304.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Brown (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103404.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Buffalo (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103305.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Buffalo (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103405.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Burnett (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103306.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Burnett (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103406.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Calumet (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103307.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Calumet (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103407.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Chippewa (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103308.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Chippewa (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103408.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Clark (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103309.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Clark (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103409.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Columbia (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103310.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Columbia (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103410.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Crawford (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103311.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Crawford (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103411.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Dane (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103312.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Dane (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103412.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Dodge (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103313.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Dodge (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103413.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Door (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103314.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Door (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103414.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Douglas (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103315.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Douglas (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103415.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Dunn (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103316.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Dunn (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103416.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Eau Claire (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103317.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Eau Claire (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103417.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Florence (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103318.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Florence (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103418.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Fond du Lac (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103319.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Fond du Lac (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103419.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Forest (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103320.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Forest (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103420.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Grant (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103321.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Grant (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103421.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Green Lake (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103323.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Green Lake (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103423.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Green (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103322.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Green (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103422.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Iowa (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103324.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Iowa (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103424.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Iron (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103325.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Iron (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103425.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Jackson (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103326.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Jackson (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103426.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Jefferson (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103327.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Jefferson (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103427.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Juneau (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103328.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Juneau (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103428.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Kenosha (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103329.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Kenosha (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103429.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Kewaunee (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103330.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Kewaunee (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103430.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS La Crosse (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103331.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS La Crosse (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103431.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Lafayette (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103332.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Lafayette (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103432.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Langlade (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103333.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Langlade (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103433.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Lincoln (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103334.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Lincoln (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103434.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Manitowoc (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103335.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Manitowoc (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103435.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Marathon (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103336.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Marathon (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103436.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Marinette (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103337.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Marinette (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103437.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Marquette (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103338.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Marquette (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103438.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Menominee (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103339.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Menominee (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103439.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Milwaukee (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103340.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Milwaukee (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103440.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Monroe (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103341.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Monroe (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103441.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Oconto (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103342.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Oconto (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103442.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Oneida (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103343.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Oneida (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103443.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Outagamie (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103344.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Outagamie (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103444.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Ozaukee (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103345.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Ozaukee (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103445.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Pepin (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103346.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Pepin (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103446.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Pierce (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103347.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Pierce (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103447.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Polk (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103348.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Polk (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103448.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Portage (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103349.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Portage (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103449.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Price (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103350.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Price (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103450.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Racine (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103351.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Racine (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103451.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Richland (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103352.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Richland (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103452.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Rock (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103353.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Rock (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103453.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Rusk (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103354.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Rusk (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103454.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Sauk (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103355.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Sauk (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103455.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Sawyer (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103356.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Sawyer (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103456.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Shawano (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103357.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Shawano (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103457.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Sheboygan (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103358.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Sheboygan (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103458.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS St Croix (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103359.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS St Croix (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103459.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Taylor (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103360.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Taylor (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103460.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Trempealeau (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103361.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Trempealeau (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103461.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Vernon (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103362.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Vernon (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103462.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Vilas (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103363.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Vilas (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103463.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Walworth (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103364.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Walworth (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103464.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Washburn (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103365.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Washburn (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103465.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Washington (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103366.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Washington (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103466.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Waukesha (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103367.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Waukesha (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103467.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Waupaca (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103368.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Waupaca (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103468.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Waushara (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103369.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Waushara (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103469.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Winnebago (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103370.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Winnebago (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103470.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Wood (meters) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103371.
Returns a new instance of the NAD 1983 HARN Wisconsin CRS Wood (US feet) CoordinateSystem, which has an Id of 103471.

See Also

Relate Topics:
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSAdamsMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSAdamsUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSAshlandMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSAshlandUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBarronMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBarronUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBayfieldMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBayfieldUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBrownMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBrownUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBuffaloMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBuffaloUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBurnettMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSBurnettUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSCalumetMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSCalumetUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSChippewaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSChippewaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSClarkMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSClarkUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSColumbiaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSColumbiaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSCrawfordMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSCrawfordUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDaneMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDaneUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDodgeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDodgeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDoorMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDoorUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDouglasMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDouglasUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDunnMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSDunnUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSEauClaireMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSEauClaireUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSFlorenceMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSFlorenceUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSFondduLacMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSFondduLacUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSForestMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSForestUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSGrantMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSGrantUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSGreenLakeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSGreenLakeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSGreenMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSGreenUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSIowaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSIowaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSIronMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSIronUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSJacksonMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSJacksonUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSJeffersonMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSJeffersonUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSJuneauMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSJuneauUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSKenoshaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSKenoshaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSKewauneeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSKewauneeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLaCrosseMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLaCrosseUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLafayetteMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLafayetteUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLangladeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLangladeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLincolnMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSLincolnUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSManitowocMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSManitowocUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMarathonMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMarathonUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMarinetteMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMarinetteUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMarquetteMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMarquetteUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMenomineeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMenomineeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMilwaukeeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMilwaukeeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMonroeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSMonroeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOcontoMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOcontoUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOneidaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOneidaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOutagamieMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOutagamieUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOzaukeeMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSOzaukeeUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPepinMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPepinUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPierceMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPierceUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPolkMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPolkUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPortageMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPortageUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPriceMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSPriceUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRacineMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRacineUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRichlandMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRichlandUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRockMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRockUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRuskMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSRuskUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSSaukMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSSaukUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSSawyerMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSSawyerUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSShawanoMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSShawanoUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSSheboyganMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSSheboyganUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSStCroixMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSStCroixUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSTaylorMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSTaylorUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSTrempealeauMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSTrempealeauUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSVernonMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSVernonUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSVilasMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSVilasUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWalworthMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWalworthUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWashburnMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWashburnUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWashingtonMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWashingtonUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWaukeshaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWaukeshaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWaupacaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWaupacaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWausharaMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWausharaUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWinnebagoMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWinnebagoUSfeet Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWoodMeters Property
  NAD1983HARNWisconsinCRSWoodUSfeet Property
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