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Represents a number of records from the Table.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Data
Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGISExplorer (in ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.dll) Version: (


public class RowCollection : IEnumerable<Row>, 
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class RowCollection _
	Implements IEnumerable(Of Row), IEnumerable


There are three ways to return a RowCollection from a Table:

  • The GetRows method which can be used to return all or some of the rows by ID.
  • The Search method which can be used to perform attribute and spatial queries.
  • The SearchByDistance method which can be used to search a spatially enabled Table by proximity.
Additionally a RowCollection will be returned when looking-up related data in another Table using either the GetRelatedRows method or the Row.GetRelatedRows method. You can retrieve the first Row from a RowCollection using GetFirst method or sort a RowCollection using the Sort method.


The code below iterates over the rows stored in a RowCollection so that the locations of known road hazards can be exported to a text file which could then be read into a GPS.
  //Open polyline feature class
  Table forestRoadsTable = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable(@"C:\Data\Forestry.gdb", "Road_Segments");

  //Return all the rows which make up a specific road
  RowCollection kershopRoadSegments = forestRoadsTable.Search(new Filter("NAME='Kershop91'"));

  //Road hazard information is stored in a point feature class called Road_Hazards which is related to the
  //Road_Segments Table by a geodatabase relationship class.  Return all the hazards on the Kershop91 road.
  RowCollection kershopRoadHazards = kershopRoadSegments.GetRelatedRows("RoadSegmentsRoadHazards");

  //Create a new text file.
  StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Data\HazardLocations.csv");

  //Write out the column header line

  //Loop over each row in the RowCollection
  foreach (Row roadHazardRow in kershopRoadHazards)
    //Get the location of the hazard
    ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry.Point hazardPnt = roadHazardRow.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry.Point;

    //The Hazard_Type Column stores values as integers, but it uses a CodedValueDomain
    //so look up the hazard description from the domain for this value
    String hazardType = roadHazardRow.Values.GetCodedName("Hazard_Type");

    //Write information to the text file
    if ((hazardPnt != null) && (hazardType != string.Empty))
      sw.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", hazardPnt.X, hazardPnt.Y, hazardType);

  //Close the StreamWriter
'Open polyline feature class
Dim forestRoadsTable As Table = Table.OpenFileGeodatabaseTable("C:\Data\Forestry.gdb", "Road_Segments")

'Return all the line segments which make up a specific road
Dim kershopRoadSegments As RowCollection = forestRoadsTable.Search(New Filter("NAME='Kershop91'"))

'Road hazard information is stored in a point feature class called Road_Hazards which is related to the
'Road_Segments Table by a geodatabase relationship class.  Return all the hazards on the Kershop91 road.
Dim kershopRoadHazards As RowCollection = kershopRoadSegments.GetRelatedRows("RoadSegmentsRoadHazards")

'Create a new text file.
Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("C:\Data\HazardLocations.csv")

'Write out the column header line

'Loop over each row in the RowCollection
For Each roadHazardRow As Row In kershopRoadHazards
  'Get the location of the hazard
  Dim hazardPnt As ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry.Point = DirectCast(roadHazardRow.Geometry, ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry.Point)

  'The Hazard_Type Column stores values as integers, but it uses a CodedValueDomain
  'so look up the hazard description from the domain for this value
  Dim hazardType As String = roadHazardRow.Values.GetCodedName("Hazard_Type")

          'Write information to the text file
  If Not hazardPnt Is Nothing And Not hazardType Is String.Empty Then
    sw.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", hazardPnt.X, hazardPnt.Y, hazardType)
  End If

'Close the StreamWriter

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

Relate Topics:
  RowCollection Members
  RowCollection Methods
  RowCollection Properties
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