Configuring user permissions for editing LRS Networks

As a Database Administrator, you can create users and roles within a database. You can organize database users into roles, or groups, which allow you to define permissions and functionality accessible to the group.

ALRS Owner is someone responsible for creating the ALRS geodatabase, the centerline feature class, calibration point feature class, centerline sequence, routes, and redlines. Using Roads and Highways, the ALRS Owner would also create the ALRS Network, the route layers, and register event layers.

ALRS Editor is someone responsible for performing edits on the ALRS Network using the Roads and Highways Editing tools. The ALRS Editor is restricted from creating or deleting feature classes or object classes in the table space owned by the ALRS Owner. The ALRS Editing cannot change the schema of existing feature classes and object classes.

For more information about ways for administrators to group users, see User groups or roles.

Once users have been granted write permissions on the relational database management system (RDBMS), they can perform the following tasks:


The steps in this task are for Database Administrators (DBAs) or ALRS Owners who are responsible for maintaining the ALRS geodatabase.

In this topic, you will learn how to do the following:

Creating users and roles

Common categories or groups of ArcSDE users are those who view data, those who edit data, and those who create data. The specific types of privileges needed for these groups are detailed in the user permission topics for each DMBS. Read the one that applies to the DBMS you use:

Granting edit permissions

  1. Start ArcCatalog.
  2. Click ArcToolbox window ArcToolbox window button.

    The ArcToolbox dialog box appears with a list of geoprocessing tools.

  3. Expand the Data Management Tools toolbox.
  4. Expand the Database toolset.
  5. Double-click the Change Privileges geoprocessing tool.
    Change Privileges geoprocessing tool in ArcToolbox

    The Change Privileges geoprocessing dialog box appears.

    Change Privileges dialog box

  6. Next to the Input Dataset field, click browse Browse button.
  7. Navigate to the location of the RDMBS and choose the following ALRS Core components:
    • CalibrationPoint
    • Centerline
    • CenterlineSequence
    • Redline
    • Route

    Press the SHIFT or CTRL key to make multiple selections.

    Input datasets

  8. In the same RDMBS, press SHIFT and choose all ALRS system tables.

    ALRS system tables have the prefix LRS.

  9. In the same RDMBS, press SHIFT and choose all staging tables.

    Staging tables have the prefix LRST.

  10. Click Add.
  11. In the User field, enter the name of the role that you want to grant edit permissions.
  12. On the View drop-down menu, select GRANT.
  13. On the Edit drop-down menu, select GRANT.
    Change Privileges dialog box with parameters complete
  14. Click OK.

    Once the geoprocessing tool executes, all users in the role now have edit permissions in the LRS network.
