Selecting rasters by raster type


ArcGIS 10 is the last release of the stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server product. The image service definition (.ISDef) has been replaced by an improved geodatabase data model—the mosaic dataset—which can be published as an image service using the ArcGIS Server Image extension.

  1. Right-click the Footprint layer in the table of contents and click Select > By Raster Type.

    This option allows you to make a selection based on one of the raster types in your service.

  2. Click the Raster Type drop-down arrow and click the raster type you want to select.
  3. Click the Method drop-down arrow and click one of the methods: Create a new selection, Add to current selection, Remove from current selection, or Select from current selection.
  4. Click OK to make the selection.

    The selected rasters are highlighted in the display view.

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