Merging derived tiles


ArcGIS 10 is the last release of the stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server product. The image service definition (.ISDef) has been replaced by an improved geodatabase data model—the mosaic dataset—which can be published as an image service using the ArcGIS Server Image extension.

  1. Open the service table.
  2. Select the derived tiles you want to merge in the service table. You can either close the service table or minimize it.
  3. Click the Image Service drop-down menu on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar and click Advanced > Optimize > Derived Tiles > Merge.

    The Image Service Editor dialog box informs you that the tiles will be merged and asks whether you want to proceed.

  4. Click Yes to merge the derived tiles.
  5. Open the service table to see the new record that gets added when you merge the tiles.

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