Adding a file-based address locator
In order to use the reverse geocoding functionality offered by the Find Route dialog box when adding a stop with the Name locations added with tool using nearest address option enabled, an address locator must be specified in the Options tab. This can be any file-based address locator supported by ArcGIS, an ArcGIS Online geocoding service, or an ArcGIS Server geocode service.
In this topic, you will learn how to add a file-based address locator in the Find Route dialog box.
See the help section A quick tour of Geocoding for more information about geocoding in ArcMap.
- Click the Find Route button on the Tools toolbar.
- Click the Options tab.
- Check the Name locations added with tool using nearest address check box.
- Click the Browse button next to the Choose an address locator drop-down arrow.
Navigate to the desired locator, select it, then click Add.
The locator is listed in the Add an address locator drop-down list.
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Published 6/8/2010