Product classes in the solution

As you are building your product library, you can add more than one product class to your solutions. If you are going to be working with several different types of products in each solution, this provides a way for you to easily find each product.

The process for adding a product class is as follows:

When you are adding a product class, only the product class properties on the General pane of the New Class dialog box are required. The properties in the other panes are optional.

The General pane

The General pane contains basic properties for the product class and is divided into two sections: General and Class. The General section contains information such as the name, alias, description, and visibility status. The Class section contains information such as the product definition file and version information.

General properties

The properties in the General section allow you to define basic information about the product class and its state and include the following:

Property name



The name of the product class


The name displayed for the product class in the product library tree view


A description for the product class


Indicates whether the product class is visible to other users when a Spatial Database Engine (SDE) database is used as the product library (By default, the value is False. When it is set to True, other product library users can see the product class in the product library tree view.)

General properties

Learn how to add a product class

Class properties

The properties in the Class section allow you to define the product definition file and version information. There are also properties that display the solution name and indicate whether geographic extents are being used with the product class.

Class properties include the following:

Property name


Default Product Class Version

The product class version number to be associated with the product class by default. The properties appear with a default value of

Default Data Model Version

The name and version number of the data model version associated with the product class by default.

Parent Solution

The name of the solution associated with the product class.

Product Definition

The name and current status of the product definition file.

Spatial Reference

The name of the AOI Spatial Reference that was set when the solution was created. If the solution AOI Spatial Reference is changed after the product class is created, the product class cannot be used with that solution; a new product class will have to be created that defaults to the solution's new AOI Spatial Reference.

Template MxD

The name and current status of the template MXD file. When a product class is created, a blank template MXD is created with the name of the new product class.

Use Geographic Extent

Indicates whether the shape of the extent is significant in determining its inclusion on charts in the product class. This parameter is used by the Carto Commander geoprocessing tool to determine whether a spatial query is used to determine which features fall on a given chart. The default value is True. If this is set to False, only features that are specifically included will have cartographic features.


This is only used for the Aeronautical Solution.

Use Relational Query

Indicates whether a relational query can be used when queries are defined at or below the product class, for example, extraction queries. The default value is False.

Class properties

Default Product Class Version properties include the following:

Property name


Default Product Class Version

The starting version of the product class, which is composed of the major, minor, edition, and revision numbers


The major version number of the product class


The minor version number of the product class


The edition number of the product class


The revision number of the product class


Remarks about the current version of the product class


The date and time the product class version was created

Default Product Class Version properties

Learn how to define the Default Product Class Version

Default Data Model Version properties include the following:

Property name


Default Data Model Version

The name and version number of the data model version associated with the product class by default

Set Model Versions

The data model versions associated with the product library

Data Model Version

The name and version number of the data model associated with the product class

Default Data Model Version properties

Learn how to define the Default Data Model Version

Product Definition properties include the following:

Property name


Product Definition

The name and current status of the product definition file


The name of the product definition file associated with the product class


The name of the product definition file


A description of the product definition file

File Type

The file type associated with the product definition in the product library (For example, this could be an Extensible Markup Language [XML], Microsoft Access database [MDB], or other type of file.)


The current status of the product definition file


The user name of the person who has associated the product class with the file

Check Out Location

The path to the directory to which the product definition file is going to be copied when it is checked out

Last Modified

The date and time the product definition file was last modified


The user name of the person who has modified the product definition file

Product Definition properties

Learn how to specify the Product Definition file

Template MxD properties include the following:

Property name


Template MxD

The name and current status of the template MXD file


The name of the template MXD file associated with the product class


The name of the template MXD file


A description of the template MXD file

File Type

The file type associated with the template MXD in the product library


The current status of the template MXD file


The user name of the person who has associated the product class with the file

Check Out Location

The path to the directory to which the template MXD file is going to be copied when it is checked out

Last Modified

The date and time the template MXD file was last modified


The user name of the person who has modified the template MXD file

Template MxD properties

The Product Instances pane

The Product Instances pane contains properties that allow you to define the means of implementing instances in the product class and affect the creation and update processes. This is dependent on the solutions you currently have installed. The properties include the following:

Property name


Implementation Method

Indicates what method is going to be used to implement product instances when they are created


Indicates what method is going to be used to populate instances

Product Instances properties

Learn how to configure the product instances

The Definition pane

The Definition pane allows you to create and view product class versions. The product class definition indicates what version number is associated with the product class as well as which tables and feature classes are included.

Learn how to configure product class definitions

The Areas Of Interest pane

The properties related to the areas of interest allow you to specify what editing behavior is going to be implemented when you are editing an area of interest and include the following:

Learn how to choose the method used to edit areas of interest

The Publish pane

The Publish pane contains a property that specifies the way you are going to publish files in the product library. The Publisher property indicates which method is going to be used to publish files associated with the product class. This is dependent on the solutions you currently have installed.

The Field Configuration pane

The Field Configuration pane allows you to create a field configuration table for the data model associated with the product class. You can only do this on the Class Properties dialog box after a product class and product class version have been created and tables have been defined in the Definition pane. The field configuration table allows you to control the way attribute fields are displayed in the Create Attributes or Update Attributes window.

Learn more about the field configuration table

Learn how to create a field configuration table for a product class

Learn how to import existing field configuration settings

The Batch Job pane

After a product class and product class version have been created, you can associate three types of batch jobs—Attribute, Spatial, and Reviewer . Attribute batch jobs are designed to validate specific attribute combinations or values in the data and are run when you create or modify the attributes of features using the Feature Manager. Spatial batch jobs run on the selected set of features and are designed to validate the geometry of a feature or the spatial relationship between multiple features. Any type of associated batch job can be run using the Batch Validate tool in Data Reviewer; however, if a batch job is associated as a Reviewer batch job, it can only be run through Batch Validate.

Error severity in batch jobs

When a check is configured in a batch job, you have the ability to specify a severity value for that check to indicate how critical the issue is. When an error is found using the Feature Manager, any attribute changes to a feature will not be committed until the error is fixed. Feature Manager also provides the concept of warnings, which display a message to the user but do not prevent the changes from being committed. Whether a check is considered an error or a warning is determined by the severity specified in the check and the Error Severity value chosen when the batch job is associated with the product library. In the Batch Job pane of the Class Properties dialog box, you have the option to specify what severity values will be returned as an error.

For example, you have two checks for your data. The first check has a severity of 2, and the second check has a severity of 5. If you choose the 1-3 option for the Error Severity value on the Class Properties dialog box, features that fail the first check will be returned as an error, and features that fail the second check will be returned as a warning.

Learn how to associate batch jobs with product classes

Template instructions

Template instructions allow products to be more dynamic, allowing them to perform actions during key events like a checkout. There are three types of template instructions controlled by file types: data frame rules, layout rules, and python scripts.

The Map Document (MxD) properties are populated from the Template .mxd properties on the General pane.

Property name


Map Document (MxD)

The name and current status of the template MXD file


The name of the template MXD file


A description of the template MXD file

File Type

The file type associated with the template MXD in the product library


The current status of the template MXD file


The user name of the person who has associated the product class with the file

Check Out Location

The path to the directory to which the template MXD file is going to be copied when it is checked out

Last Modified

The date and time the template MXD file was last modified


The user name of the person who has modified the template MXD file

Map Document MxD properties

The Data Frame Rules properties allow products to have their data frame settings, such as scale, extent, coordinate system, and rotation, updated based on a product's associated instance AOI(s).

Property name


Data Frame Rules

Data frame settings based on a product's associated instances AOI(s)


The name of the data frame rules file


A description of the data frame rules file

File Type

The file type


The current status of the file


The user name of the person who has associated the data frame rules with the file

Check Out Location

The path to the directory to which the file is going to be copied when it is checked out

Last Modified

The date and time the file was last modified


The user name of the person who has modified the file

Data Frame Type

The data frame(s) to which rules are applied

Data Frame Name

The specific data frame the data frame rules are applied to when using the custom option under the Data Frame Type property

Data Frame Rules properties

The Layout Rules properties enable a product map document's layout size and orientation and the relative placement of elements on that layout to react to changes that happen on dynamic cartographic products.

Property name


Layout Rules

The name and current status of the file containing the layout rules


The name of the layout rules file


The name of the layout rules file


A description of the file

File Type

The file type


The current status of the file


The user name of the person who has associated the layout rules with the file

Check Out Location

The path to the directory to which the file is going to be copied when it is checked out

Last Modified

The date and time the file was last modified


The user name of the person who has modified the file

Layout Rules properties

The Python Scripts properties allow custom business logic to be executed on a product. A single python file can be saved as part of template instructions.

Property name


Python Scripts

The name and current status of the python script


The name of the python script


The name of the python script


A description of the python script

File Type

The file type


The current status of the file


The user name of the person who has associated the script with the file

Check Out Location

The path to the directory to which the python script is going to be copied when it is checked out

Last Modified

The date and time the script was last modified


The user name of the person who has modified the script

Python Scripts properties
