What's new in 2.1

A beta version of ArcGIS for SharePoint version 2.1 is now available. This topic provides information on the updates and enhancements between 2.1 Beta and the currently released ArcGIS Mapping for SharePoint version 2.0 product.

Updates and enhancements

These updates and enhancements are included in 2.1 Beta:

Map Contents with Legend capabilities

The Map Contents panel now displays symbology for layers. Legend configuration is specified in the Map Web Part and includes the following display mode options:

  • Contents—Both layer visibility and legend can be configured
  • Layer list—Only layer visibility can be configured; Legend is not available
  • Legend—Only legend can be configured; Layer is always visible
    Legend contents

Additional Map Contents configuration options include specifying which layers to include in the Map Contents, whether to show the basemap layer, and the ability to show only the layers visible at the current scale.


Editing functionality is now available for features layers that have editing enabled. With the editing control, capabilities include selecting features, adding and removing features from the selection, deleting features, editing the geometry of features, and displaying the attributes of features. In the Map Web Part, the editor functionality can be configured to specify layers that are available for editing. Advanced configuration options include whether to persist feature edits automatically and whether to display pop-ups on mouse click for layers selected for editing. Additionally, configuration options include specifying the edit mode and enabling geometric operations.

Editing dialogs

Pop-Ups on click

Pop-ups on click functionality can be enabled on both dynamic map service layers and feature layers. Pop-ups on click emulates "identify" tool functionality, and support includes the ability to drill-down to display attributes from multiple layers in a single pop-up.

PopUps OnClick


On-demand feature retrieval—On-demand feature retrieval for Feature layers (ArcGIS Server and SDS layers) is now the default option for layers added through Browse and Search. When enabled, the Map Web Part will retrieve features for a feature layer within the current extent. On-demand mode improves overall performance and usability.

Auto-update on ArcGIS Server services—There is now an option for dynamic map service layers and feature layers to enable updating at a specified interval. With auto-updates enabled, changes to the layer will appear automatically.

Auto Updates and Feature Retrieval

Ability to specify URL directly to service or layer—You may now specify the URL directly to a map service or feature layer when adding layers using the Browse dialog and when adding geoprocessing tools.

Support for secure services—Support for token-secured services accessed via proxy URL.

Map Web Part layouts

With version 2.1, the positioning and styling of elements within the Map Web Part is defined in a layout file. The layout file, DefaultLayout.xaml, is stored in the ArcGIS Mapping Configuration Files document library. This file determines the layout for all Map Web Parts within a site collection.

In addition to positioning and styling existing elements, the layout can also be modified to include anything that can be declared in XAML. For objects that the Map Web Part does not have the necessary assembly references to (e.g. an object that you implemented), simply package the assembly in a Silverlight application, load the output xap file into the ArcGIS Mapping Extensions library, and add it to the Map Web Part.

Map Web Part layout sample

Configurable print tool

A new print tool provides configurable printing functionality directly from the Map Web Part’s ribbon. The print tool allows designers to specify the printed map’s title, description, size, and layout. All layer types are supported for printing.

More print layouts can be added by deploying them to your SharePoint server. Layouts are specified as XAML files and can be used to size, position, and style print layout elements. Anything that can be declared in XAML can be included in the layout, provided that the Map Web Part has a reference to the necessary supporting assemblies. For assemblies not loaded by the Map Web Part by default (e.g. an assembly containing an object that you implemented), simply package these assemblies in a Silverlight application, load the xap into the ArcGIS Mapping Extensions library, and add it to the Map Web Part.

For an example of print layouts, refer to the XAML files deployed with the product. You will find these under <SharePoint Root>\ TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\ESRI.ArcGIS.Mapping.SharePoint\xap\Config\Print.

Print tool - Select layout

Wrap-around support in the Map Web Part

The Map Web Part now supports continuous pan across the dateline when the spatial reference of the basemap is geographic WGS84 (WKID 4326) or Web Mercator (WKID 102100). Wrap-around support is based on the new wrap-around functionality included in version 2.2 Beta of the ArcGIS API for Microsoft Silverlight.

Note that wrap-around is specified in the Map Web Part’s layout. To disable it, simply edit the DefaultLayout.xaml file in the ArcGIS Mapping Configuration Files document library. Just find the Map control and set the WrapAround property to False.

<esri:Map WrapAround="False">

Tiled map services, feature layers, and graphics layers are supported. Dynamic map services that support a spatial reference defined as well-known text (WKT) are supported. This includes ArcGIS Server 10 REST services.


Geoprocessing service input parameters—Support is included for detecting geoprocessing choice list and MultiValue<String> input parameters. If a geoprocessing service specifies a list of inputs for parameters (such as print sheet sizes or file formats), they are presented in a UI to allow for easy selection.

Map extent as input geometry—Geoprocessing services can be configured to accept the map extent as the input geometry for tasks.


ArcGIS for SharePoint has been localized into eight languages—French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish. For these languages, the ArcGIS for SharePoint components—the Map Web Part, Location Field, and Geocoding Workflow—will automatically respect the language of the current SharePoint site or page. Additionally, the interface of the ArcGIS for SharePoint installer automatically reflects the language of the operating system on which the installer is run.

Ribbons with localized text


Configuration wizards—The Extensibility API has been enhanced to support the creation of configuration wizards such as those used in Add Tool and Add GP tool using ISupportsWizardConfiguration.

Configurable controls—The Extensibility API now provides a way for developers to create controls in the layout that can be configured in edit mode. Map Contents and Editor are examples of controls that are configurable in the Map Web Part.
