Widgets overview

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The ArcGIS Viewer for Flex includes many ready-to-deploy widgets. These widgets provide fundamental geographic information system (GIS) client functionality to easily and quickly create custom Web mapping applications. Most of these widgets have an XML configuration file that enables them to be easily customized.

Learn more about widgets

General Viewer user interface widgets

The following general Viewer user interface (UI) widgets are stand-alone widgets and are typically always visible in the application, or, as in the case of the Overview map widget, manage their own minimize and open states. They are located in the main configuration file as children of the <configuration> tag. They are not contained in a widgetcontainer.

Managed widgets

The following managed widgets are listed in the widget tray of the HeaderController and can be minimized, closed, and opened. They are located in the main configuration file as children of the <widgetcontainer> tag.

Additional community contributed widgets are available in the Code Gallery. This is also where you can share your own custom widgets with other users.

Learn more about managed widgets
