Search widget tags

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Configuration file for the Search widget

The general structure of the Search widget configuration file is shown by the following conceptual graphic:

Conceptual overview of configuration options for the Search widget

The file is defined by a <configuration> tag that identifies it as a configuration file for the Viewer. It supports changing the searchable layers and the attribute fields returned with the returned features. It has the following child tags:

Scale to zoom to when item is clicked in the widget results. Default is 50000 (i.e., zoom to 1:50,000).
The view the widget opens in. The two options are graphical (for the default select features using the graphical search) and text (for the text search).
Container for the searchable layers for the widget. It has the following child tag:
Specifies the searchable layer. Each searchable layer will have its own <layer> tag. It has the following child tags:
Layer name.
The uniform resource locator (URL) address of the searchable layer. This is an individual layer within a service and normally ends with a number, such as .../MapServer/0.
If true, will use the proxy specified in the main configuration file.
Predefined query for the widget used in the attribute (text) search. For example, PARCELID = '[value]' .
Field to display as the title in the Info pop-up window.
Refers to a field that contains URL values. If the URL link has an extension of .JPG, .PNG or .GIF, the image is displayed; otherwise, a clickable link is displayed. When the link is clicked, a new tab opens to display content that is referenced by the link.
Container for the retrieved fields. It has the following attribute and one child tag:
  • all—Determines the fields returned. Boolean value, where true returns all fields (default is false).
Specific field to be retrieved. It has the following attributes:
  • name—Name of the attribute field on the server side.
  • alias—Alias name to display on the client side. If this is not specified, the server alias name will be used and displayed in the widget.
  • dateformat—Format in which the date is displayed. Default is a full date and time in the user's locale using date.toLocaleString(). Example date formats include YYYYMMDD, MMMM, YYYY, J:NN:SS, EEEE, MMM. D, YYYY at L:NN:QQQ A. See DateFormatter documentation for a full description.

In addition, the configuration file also supports changing the labels and symbols used in the widget dialog box (this is not shown in the conceptual graphic).


Container for labels that can be modified in this widget. It has the following child tags:
Tooltip label for the select by geometry icon (default for English is Select features by.
Tooltip label for attribute search icon (default for English is Select by attribute).
Tooltip label for results icon (default for English is Results).
Label for searchable layers drop-down list (default for English is Search layer).
Label to display when no search layer has been defined (default for English is No search layer defined).
Label for search submit button (default for English is Search).
Tooltip label for select by point tool (default for English is Draw Point).
Tooltip label for select by polyline tool (default for English is Draw Line).
Tooltip for the select by freehand line tool (default for English is Draw Freehand Line).
Tooltip label for the select by rectangle tool (default for English is Draw Rectangle).
Tooltip label for the select by polygon tool (default for English is Draw Polygon).
Tooltip label for the search by freehand polygon tool (default for English is Draw Freehand Polygon).
Tooltip label for the search by circle tool (default for English is Draw Circle).
Label for the clear selection graphics (default for English is Clear).
Label for status window as the search is retrieving results (default for English is Loading).
Label for the selected feature count (default for English is Features selected).

Screen shots showing the various label icons and buttons


The configuration file also supports changing the symbols used to represent the features (not shown in the conceptual graphic).

Property for custom symbols in the widget. Specifically, the symbol that is shown for each returned result. It has the following child tags:
Defines a picture marker symbol. It has the following attributes:
  • url—URL or path to the picture marker symbol location (default is widget icon).
  • height—Symbol height (in pixels; default is 30).
  • width—Symbol width (in pixels; default is 30).
  • xoffset—Symbol offset along the x-axis (in pixels; default is 0).
  • yoffset—Symbol offset along the y-axis (in pixels; default is 0).
Defines a simple line symbol. It has the following attributes:
  • color—Symbol color; values are based on RGB in hexadecimal format (default is Red - 0xFF0000).
  • alpha—Symbol transparency level. Values range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque); (default is 0.8).
  • width—Symbol width (in pixels; default is 2).
Defines a simple fill symbol. It has the following attributes:
  • color—Symbol color; color values are based on RGB in hexadecimal format (default is Red - 0xFF0000).
  • alpha—Symbol transparency level. Values range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque); (default is 0.5).
Provides an outline for the symbol. It has the following attributes:
  • color—Outline color; color values are based on RGB in hexadecimal format (default is Red - 0xFF0000).
  • alpha—Outline transparency level. Values range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque); (default is 0.8)
  • width—Outline width (in pixels; default is 2).

See the Search widget sample
