Class DETerrain

  extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
      extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DEDataset
          extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DEGeoDataset
              extended by com.esri.arcgisws.DETerrain
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DETerrain
extends DEGeoDataset
implements Serializable

Java class for DETerrain complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="DETerrain">
     <extension base="{}DEGeoDataset">
         <element name="FeatureDatasetName" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="PyramidType" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="WindowSizeMethod" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="WindowSizeZThreshold" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="WindowSizeZThresholdStrategy" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="TileSize" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="MaxShapeSize" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="MaxOverviewSize" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="ConfigurationKeyword" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="TerrainDataSources" type="{}ArrayOfTerrainDataSource"/>
         <element name="TerrainPyramidLevelZTols" type="{}ArrayOfTerrainPyramidLevelZTol" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="TerrainPyramidLevelWindowSizes" type="{}ArrayOfTerrainPyramidLevelWindowSize" minOccurs="0"/>

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          DETerrain default constructor.
DETerrain(String catalogPath, String name, Boolean childrenExpanded, Boolean fullPropsRetrieved, Boolean metadataRetrieved, XmlPropertySet metadata, DataElement[] children, EsriDatasetType datasetType, Integer dsid, Boolean versioned, Boolean canVersion, String configurationKeyword, Envelope extent, SpatialReference spatialReference, List rest)
Method Summary
 List getRest()
          Gets the rest of the content model.
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.DEGeoDataset
getExtent, getSpatialReference, setExtent, setSpatialReference
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.DEDataset
getCanVersion, getConfigurationKeyword, getDatasetType, getDSID, getVersioned, isCanVersion, isVersioned, setCanVersion, setConfigurationKeyword, setDatasetType, setDSID, setVersioned
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
getCatalogPath, getChildren, getChildrenExpanded, getFullPropsRetrieved, getMetadata, getMetadataRetrieved, getName, isChildrenExpanded, isFullPropsRetrieved, isMetadataRetrieved, setCatalogPath, setChildren, setChildrenExpanded, setFullPropsRetrieved, setMetadata, setMetadataRetrieved, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DETerrain(String catalogPath,
                            String name,
                            Boolean childrenExpanded,
                            Boolean fullPropsRetrieved,
                            Boolean metadataRetrieved,
                            XmlPropertySet metadata,
                            DataElement[] children,
                            EsriDatasetType datasetType,
                            Integer dsid,
                            Boolean versioned,
                            Boolean canVersion,
                            String configurationKeyword,
                            Envelope extent,
                            SpatialReference spatialReference,
                            List rest)

DETerrain constructor.


public DETerrain()
DETerrain default constructor.

Method Detail


public List getRest()
Gets the rest of the content model.

You are getting this "catch-all" property because of the following reason: The field name "ConfigurationKeyword" is used by two different parts of a schema. See: line 427 of file:GeoDataServer.wsdl line 2201 of file:GeoDataServer.wsdl

To get rid of this property, apply a property customization to one of both of the following declarations to change their names: Gets the value of the rest property.

This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the rest property.

For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list JAXBElement <[] > JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <String> JAXBElement <[] > JAXBElement <[] > JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <Integer> JAXBElement <String>