
Binds a column to an input data location for inserting a row

Usage syntax

LONG SE_stream_bind_input_column
(SE_STREAM stream,
SHORT column,
void *data,
SHORT *indicator);

stream The stream handle
column The column number to bind; columns numbers start with the number 1.
data Pointer to the bind variable to use as input data for the column when the stream is executed
indicator Pointer to the variable that indicates whether the column value is NULL or not NULL

SE_stream_bind_input_column identifies the input bind variable and indicator values for inserting or updating a row in a table or layer. This function records the address of the pointers. The actual values (contents) of the pointers are read when the SE_stream_execute function is called. Remember that SE_SHAPE is a pointer, so you are binding an SE_SHAPE variable, not an SE_SHAPE * variable.

The pointer value differs depending on the data type of the input column. Possible types are as follows:

blob const SE_BLOB_INFO *blob_val
clob const SE_CLOB_INFO *clob_val
date const struct tm *date_val
double const LFLOAT *double_val
float const FLOAT *float_val
integer const LONG *int_val
integer64 const SE_INT64 *int64_val
nclob const SE_NCLOB_INFO *nclob_val
nstring const SE_WCHAR *string_val
smallint const SHORT *short_val
string const SE_CHAR *string_val
uuid const SE_CHAR *uuid_val
xml const SE_XMLDOC *xmldoc










∙  This function executes on the client only.

∙  You must pass valid data and indicator pointers. To insert a NULL value, set the indicator to the constant SE_IS_NULL_VALUE before calling SE_stream_execute. Otherwise, set the indicator to SE_IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE.

∙  Once you call SE_stream_bind_input_column for a specified column, you cannot call any of the SE_stream_set_* functions for that column.

∙  SE_stream_bind_input_column can be called only after initializing a stream with an insert or update operation, and before calling to SE_stream_execute.

∙  If an SE_stream_set_* function or SE_stream_execute was called before calling SE_stream_bind_input_column (on the same column), an SE_BIND_CONFLICT error is returned.

∙  When SE_stream_execute is called, the value (contents) of the indicator pointer must be either SE_IS_NULL_VALUE or SE_IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE; otherwise, the SE_INVALID_INDICATOR_VALUE error is returned.