Return codes |
The following is a list of the return codes in the C API. They include fatal errors, non-fatal warnings, and exit codes.
The current operation completed successfully.
A general ArcSDE system failure. Returned whenever the error is not trapped by a more specific indicator.
The pointer to SE_LAYERINFO is not initialized.
The given shape has no annotation.
The current shape stream has finished successfully. If this code is returned from a shape stream initiation call, no shapes were found.
The call to start the ArcSDE was not executed or did not complete successfully. The ArcSDE server must be started before calling the function that returned this code.
The specified shape was unchanged. If a shape modification function cannot correctly modify a shape, for whatever reason, it returns this code.
The number of allowed server tasks was exceeded and no more logins to the ArcSDE server are allowed until a task completes. Returned by the SE_connection_create call only.
The number of allowed server connections was exceeded and no more logins to the ArcSDE server are allowed until a connection is closed. Returned by the SE_connection_create call only.
The ArcSDE I/O connection manager task has discontinued logins. No more logins to the ArcSDE server are allowed until an administrator changes the login mode. Returned by the SE_connection_create call only.
The user attempting to access the ArcSDE server does not have a valid login account on the ArcSDE host machine. Returned by the SE_connection_create call only.
A catastrophic error occurred during a client/server round-trip request and the connection between the client task and the server was severed. Almost any call that makes a round-trip request to the ArcSDE server task can return this code.
Returned when the application that made the call cannot bind itself to the associated server task. Returned by the SE_connection_create call only.
The function failed to complete because the server process was unable to allocate the memory needed to perform the function.
The function failed to complete because the client could not allocate enough dynamic memory to complete the task.
The call is somehow out of context or inappropriate. Under certain circumstances, some functions are illegal and are not allowed.
The connected user does not have access to the specified object.
Exceeded the maximum number of allowed layers as defined in the SERVER_CONFIG table.
The required layer specification is missing.
Returned from the layer-locking routines when the specified layer is already locked.
Returned from the layer creation function when the specified map layer already exists.
The user-specified map layer does not exist.
The function was prevented from performing its task because another user is using the layer.
The specified shape (LAYER:FID) does not exist.
The specified row does not exist in the specified map layer. Returned by shape retrieval functions.
The specified shape (LAYER:FID) exists.
An operation attempted to insert a shape into an existing row.
For this operation, both layers must be the same.
The connected user does not have sufficient database permissions to perform the specified operation or function.
The specified column has a NOT NULL constraint.
Returned when a shape cannot be verified as valid.
The map layer number is outside the allowable range.
A shape entity type is invalid or not allowed for the operation or function.
The specified search method is not defined.
The entity types or combinations in the entity type mask are invalid. Returned from the map layer creation routine.
A mismatch occurred in one of the bind/set/get functions.
One of the specified grid sizes is either too small or too large. Returned from the map layer creation routine.
The lock mode specified is not supported.
The entity type of the shape is not one of the types allowed by the map layer definition. Returned from the store and replace shape routines.
Exceeded maximum points specified.
There are more points than allowed by the specified maximum points.
The specified DBMS table does not exist.
Returned from functions that attempt to access a column that does not exist. Sometimes returned after misspelling the name of the column.
A problem exists with the license manager.
All ArcSDE licenses are in use.
The specified value exceeds the valid range for the column.
This is an old return code; use the new INVALID_SQL return code instead.
The specified SQL WHERE clause is invalid. Confirm that the syntax and attribute names are correct.
The user-specified SQL WHERE clause is invalid. In most cases, returned because of syntax problems in the SQL string. You can call the extended error code immediately after this code is returned to inquire about the specific database error code.
The named log file does not exist.
The caller does not have permission to access the specified log file.
Returned from log file I/O functions when the specified log file handle is not open.
A log file I/O operation resulted in an error. Check the extended error code to get the errno value.
The function found no shapes to process. Usually returned because an empty log file was specified.
No locks were found for the specified map layer. The caller may have specified lock modifications for a layer that does not have any locks defined.
The lock request was not granted because the request conflicted with another user's lock.
No longer in use
No more locks can be granted because all system lock resources are being used. Also returned from functions that automatically impose locks to complete their tasks.
A database-level I/O error occurred. You can call the extended error code immediately after this code is returned to inquire about the specific database error code. You should also check the DBMS log files for information.
The function cannot be executed during a stream shape retrieval. Close the stream before calling this function.
An invalid data type was specified for a column definition.
At least one of the shapes processed by the function violated one of the topological integrity rules. Returned from functions that require the topological integrity of shapes to complete successfully.
Returned from the attribute mask function when an unsupported DBMS data type is encountered.
An invalid column definition was specified. For example, a size of -1 is specified for a column.
An invalid shape array buffer size was specified.
An invalid envelope was specified. Returned when the envelope is NULL, has negative values, or a minimum value is larger than a maximum value.
Returned from functions that use temporary system files to perform their tasks. Indicates temporary file permission problems, inadequate disk space, or general temporary file I/O error conditions.
Storing the shape would create too many grid records, which suggests that the grid size for the target map layer is too small. Returned from functions that store or replace shapes.
The run-time license for the ArcSDE installation on the specified server has expired. See the system administrator to update the ArcSDE license. Returned from the SE_connection_create function only.
Returned from the table creation function when the specified database table already exists.
Returned from the attribute index creation functions when an attribute index already exists.
The specified index does not exist.
Returned by functions that are passed pointers to data that are either NULL or invalid.
Returned from a function that was given an invalid parameter value. The function is unable to continue.
Returned by an overlay function that reduces all shapes to slivers, yielding no results. In most cases, you can adjust the sliver factor to fix this problem.
A user-initiated transaction is currently in progress. The operation cannot be performed until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
The iomgr has lost its connection to the underlying DBMS.
An attempt was made to store or replace a shape where the arc (startpt, midpt, endpt) already exists.
The given annotation object handle is invalid.
The user-specified point does not exist in the associated map shape.
The two given points are not adjacent in the associated map shape.
The point given as a midpoint along a path is invalid or does not exist.
The specified endpoint is invalid or cannot be located within the associated shape.
The given radius was too small to perform the operation.
The operation cannot be performed because the specified map layer is in LOAD_ONLY mode.
The LAYERS table (sde_layers in SQL Server and PostgreSQL) does not exist.
An error occurred when creating or writing to an output file.
An attempt was made to store a BLOB that exceeds the maximum allowable size of the ArcSDE server as specified by the MAXBLOBSIZE parameter of the SERVER_CONFIG table (sde_server_config in SQL Server and PostgreSQL).
The specified source shape and corridor distance would result in a corridor with coordinates that exceed the valid coordinate range.
Returned by low-level code indicating an error in the integrity of a shape.
The specified function is not implemented yet but is intended for a future release.
The shape has a CAD entity. This message could be returned when trying to modify the geometry of a shape that contains a CAD entity.
The specified internal ArcSDE Transaction ID is invalid.
The table name entered for the layer definition is invalid. Valid table names cannot be NULL.
The specified layer configuration keyword does not exist in the DBTUNE table (sde_dbtune in SQL Server and PostgreSQL).
The release/version of the client application does not match the installed release/version of the ArcSDE server, or the installed release/version of the ArcSDE software does not match the release/version of the ArcSDE datasets. If the datasets are older than the ArcSDE server, you can update them with the sdeversion administration tool.
The VERSION table exists when it should not. This error occurs when you attempt to upgrade after an earlier attempt failed and the VERSION table was not deleted or when you try to create a new geodatabase on a server where the previous geodatabase was incompletely deleted.
A column was specified for an insert/update operation but was not bound (by calling SE_stream_bind_input_column), or the value was not set at the time of execution.
Returned during the execution of an insert or update operation for a column that was bound by reference (by calling SE_stream_bind_input_column) and the value of the indicator variable was neither IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE nor IS_NULL_VALUE.
An invalid or NULL SE_CONNECT connection handle was passed to an ArcSDE function.
An invalid administrator password was passed to an ArcSDE function.
The specified path was not found.
The SDEHOME variable is not set and is needed for this operation.
The user must be the owner of the table to perform this operation.
The specified process ID does not correspond to an ArcSDE server.
The DBMS did not accept the user name or password that was passed to an ArcSDE function.
The timestamp of the password received was sent more than MAXTIMEDIFF seconds earlier. The MAXTIMEDIFF parameter is set in the SERVER_CONFIG table (SDE_SERVER_CONFIG in SQL Server and PostgreSQL).
The server machine was not found.
The I/O manager is not started. Log in as the ArcSDE administrator and use the sdemon administration tool to determine the status of the I/O manager.
ArcSDE was unable to locate the appropriate entry in the services file. See your ArcSDE system administrator.
Tried to generate statistics on a nonnumeric column.
Tried to generate distinct statistics on an invalid type.
The grant or revoke function was used improperly.
The supplied SDEHOME path is invalid or NULL.
An invalid stream (SE_STREAM) handle was detected.
Obsolete error code. An attempt was made to create a stream, but the connection already has the maximum number of streams specified by the giomgr.defs parameter MAXSTREAMS.
Obsolete error message. Exceeded systems maximum number of mutexes. Involved in concurrency issues.
The connection is locked to a different thread.
This connection is being used currently by another thread.
Returned when trying to describe a prepared SQL statement that was not a query.
A function was called out of sequence. For example, SE_stream_fetch was called before executing the stream with SE_stream_execute.
Returned when trying to set or get the value of a column in a stream using the wrong column type. For example, calling SE_stream_get_integer on a column that is an SE_FLOAT.
The specified point table is locked to a different thread.
The point table is being used at the moment by another thread.
The specified shape table is locked to a different thread.
The shape table is being used at the moment by another thread.
An invalid value is specified in the filter_type field of the SE_FILTER structure.
The shape does not have a CAD entity.
No ArcSDE instance is running on the specified server.
Obsolete error message. The specified instance is a version older than 2.0.
The specified systems units were < 1 or > 2,147,483,647.
The specified units were not feet, meters, decimal_degrees or other.
The SE_CAD pointer is not initialized.
The specified version does not exist.
A set of spatial filters is supplied to SE_stream_set_spatial_constraints with an SE_SPATIAL_FIRST search order, but all the spatial filters are set to FALSE, indicating the spatial index should not be used. This is contradictory; you cannot set an SE_SPATIAL_FIRST search order, which tells ArcSDE to use the spatial index first, then pass spatial filters to ArcSDE telling it not to use the spatial index.
A stream function is called that is not applicable to the given stream. For example, a call to SE_stream_set_integer on a query_layer stream.
The specified column contained NOT NULL values during SE_layer_create.
SE_stream_get_spatial_masks was called on a query stream with no spatial masks.
The iomgr program was not found.
The specified operation must be run on the server.
Only one spatial column is allowed for this operation.
The given shape object handle is invalid.
The specified shape part number does not exist.
The given shapes are of incompatible types.
The specified part offset is invalid.
The given coordinate reference systems are incompatible.
The specified coordinate exceeds the valid coordinate range.
Obsolete error message. The maximum number of layers was exceeded in the cache.
The given coordinate reference object handle is invalid.
The coordinate system identifier is invalid.
The coordinate system description is invalid.
The SE_ROW_ID owner.table does not match the specified layer.
An error occurred while projecting the shape.
The value of the max_array_size set in SE_STREAM_SPEC is larger than the MAXARRAYBYTES value in the SERVER_CONFIG table (sde_server_config in SQL Server and PostgreSQL).
Two donuts or two outer shells of a polygon overlap.
The number of points is less than the number required for a shape.
A part separator is in the wrong position.
The polygon does not close properly.
The polygon outer shell does not completely enclose all of the donuts in a part of the shape.
The polygon shell has no area.
The area shape contains a vertical line.
The multipart area shape has overlapping parts.
A simple line or polygon boundary intersects itself.
The specified export file is invalid.
Attempted to modify or free a read-only shape from a shape table.
The specified data source (or database) is invalid.
A stream specification parameter exceeds the default set in the SERVER_CONFIG table (sde_server_config in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). Parameters that specify stream settings include MAXARRAYSIZE, ATTRBUFSIZE, and SHAPEPTSBUFSIZE.
An attempt was made to alter a layer in an illegal manner. For example, if a layer allows annotations, you cannot change the layer to disallow them.
The specified spatial column name is the same as the table name. Returned by SE_layerinfo_set_spatial_column.
The specified database (or data source) name is invalid. Returned by SE_connection_create.
A required spatial SQL extension is not present in the underlying DBMS.
Obsolete 3.0.2 error code. The dimension parameters for a Spatial Database Option (SDO) table were not found in the dbtune.sde file. Add the parameters to the ##DEFAULTS or another keyword section before trying to re-create the SDO layer. (Oracle® specific)
Obsolete 3.0.2 error code. The dimension parameters in the SDODIM table for an SDO table were not found or are corrupted. (Oracle specific)
Obsolete 3.0.2 error code. The requested operation is not supported for normalized layers. (Oracle specific)
Obsolete 3.0.2 error code. Returned if an SDO layer is registered in the ArcSDE LAYERS table but was not created by the ArcSDE software. Usually returned when trying to change a layer between normal and load-only I/O modes. (Oracle specific)
Returned if a user tries to insert or update a value in an SE_ROW_ID column.
The current table does not have an ArcSDE-maintained row ID column.
The column is maintained by the ArcSDE software and cannot be modified by a user.
Illegal or blank version name
The specified state is not in the STATES table (sde_states in SQL Server and PostgreSQL).
The SE_STATEINFO object is not initialized.
An attempt was made to change the state of a version, but it has already changed.
An attempt was made to open a state that has children.
To create a new state, the parent state must be closed.
The specified version already exists.
The attempted operation must be run on a multiversioned table; the specified table is not registered as versioned.
You cannot delete a state that is being used by a version.
The VERSIONINFO object has not been initialized.
The state ID is out of range or does not exist.
The SDETRACELOC environment variable is not set.
A problem occurred when loading the server-side application.
This operation has more states than can fit in an SQL statement.
The function takes two different states, but the same one was given twice.
The table does not have a usable row ID column. Valid row ID (or object ID) columns must be unique, non-null integers columns.
The state must be set before calling the function.
An error occurred while executing a server-side application function.
The REGINFO object has not been initialized.
An attempt was made to trim between states on different lineage branches.
The specified state is currently being modified.
A lock was requested for a state tree but one or more of the states is already locked.
The raster column has non-NULL values or is being used as a row ID column.
A raster column already exists.
Unique indexes are not allowed on multiversioned tables.
The geometry storage type is not valid.
No SQL type was provided when converting a NIL shape to text.
An invalid byte order was provided or returned for a well-known binary shape.
The shape type in the given shape is not a valid geometry type.
The number of measures in the shape must be zero or equal to the number of points.
The number of parts in the shape is incorrect for its geometry type. For example, a point geometry should not have more than one part.
The memory allocated for an ESRI binary shape is too small.
The shape text representation exceeds the maximum allowed string length.
A syntax error exists in the supplied shape text representation.
The number of parts in the shape is more than expected for the given shape text representation.
The shape's SQL type is not as expected when constructing the shape from the text representation.
Found a parenthesis mismatch when parsing the shape text representation.
A NIL shape is not allowed in a well-known binary representation.
Tried to start an ArcSDE instance that is already running.
The requested operation is not supported.
An invalid request was made on an external layer. This return code replaced SE_INVALID_REGISTERED_LAYER_OPTION.
The dimension parameters for a normalized layer table were not found.
The query type is invalid.
The library does not contain any trace functions.
Tried to start tracing but it is already enabled.
Tried to stop tracing but it is already disabled.
Shape comparison language statement could not be interpreted by the SCL compiler.
The table is already registered. (A record for the table already exists in the TABLE_REGISTRY system table.)
The registration ID is out of range.
The table is not registered.
Obsolete error message. The number of registered tables has exceeded the max_registrations value.
The object cannot be deleted because other objects depend on it.
The row lock is already enabled.
The row lock is already disabled.
Another user is using the requested raster column.
The specified raster column does not exist.
The specified raster column number is out of range or does not exist.
The maximum number of raster columns was exceeded.
The specified raster number is out of range.
The status of the request cannot be determined.
Cannot open the request results.
The specified raster band already exists.
The specified raster band does not exist.
The specified raster already exists.
The specified raster does not exist.
The maximum allowed number of raster bands was exceeded.
The maximum allowed number of rasters was exceeded.
The specified DBMS view already exists.
The specified DBMS view does not exist.
The specified lock record already exists.
A conflict exists in the row locking mask.
The specified raster band is not in a raster.
The specified RASBANDINFO object does not exist.
The specified RASCOLINFO object does not exist.
The specified RASTERINFO object does not exist.
The specified raster band number is out of range or does not exist.
Only one raster column is allowed.
The specified table is already locked.
The SE_LOGINFO pointer is not initialized.
The operation generated a SQL statement that is too long for the internal buffers or the underlying DBMS. Could possibly occur with difference detection or versioned queries.
The operation is not supported with views.
The specified log file already exists.
The specified log file is open.
The specified spatial reference entry already exists.
The specified spatial reference entry does not exist.
The specified spatial reference entry is in use by one or more layers.
The SE_SPATIALREFINFO object is not initialized.
The raster band sequence number already exists.
The SE_QUERYINFO object is not initialized.
The SE_QUERYINFO object has not been prepared for a query.
The SE_RASTILEINFO object is not initialized.
The SE_RASCONSTRAINT object is not initialized.
The record ID number does not exist or is invalid.
The SE_METADATAINFO object is not initialized.
The metadata object type is not supported.
The METADATA (SDE_METADATA in SQL Server and PostgreSQL) table does not exist.
The metadata record does not exist.
The geometry entry does not exist.
The file path either does not exist, is too long (>512 characters), or contains invalid characters. Returned by SE_connection_create when checking SDEHOME or a path to a database.
The locator object is not initialized.
The table does not have an associated locator.
The locator is not valid.
The locator category is not specified.
The locator name is invalid.
The locator does not exist.
The locator already exists.
The locator type is not supported.
The coordinate reference is not defined.
You cannot trim past an already reconciled state.
The file info object does not exist.
The file info object already exists.
The file info object is not initialized.
The file info object type is not supported.
Statistics are not available for this raster band.
You cannot delete a version that has child versions.
SQL type does not support annotation or CAD entities at the current release.
The dbtune.sde file is missing or unreadable.
The log file system tables do not exist or could not be created when the ArcSDE server was started.
This application cannot perform the operation on the specified object.
The given geographic transformation object is invalid.
The specified column already exists.
A reserved SQL keyword was specified.
The specified objectlock handle is invalid.
The raster buffer size is not large enough.
The specified raster data is invalid.
The specified operation is not allowed.
The specified SE_RASATTR object is not initialized or is invalid.
The specified version ID is invalid.
You cannot put a multiversion table into load-only I/O mode or make a load-only table multiversioned.
The user-supplied table or column is invalid.
The next row was not the expected row.
The ArcSDE instance is read-only.
Image mosaicking is not allowed.
The raster bitmap object is invalid.
The specified band sequence number does not exist.
Obsolete error message. The feature type (i.e., rect, arc, circle) is an invalid Oracle Spatial SQL TYPE.
DBMS Objects (Spatial, ADT's not supported)
No columns found for binary conversion (LOB/LONGRAW)
The raster band has no color map.
Invalid raster band bin function. This error is returned by the SE_rasterband_alter function if the selected bin function is not appropriate for the raster data.
Invalid raster band statistics.
Invalid raster band color map.
Invalid raster layer configuration keyword.
Obsolete error message. This sort of iomgr cannot run on this sort of instance.
The volume information in the header file of a multivolume export file is invalid.
Invalid compression type.
Invalid index parameter.
Invalid index type.
Try to set conflicting value in object.
Abstract data types are not supported.
No spatial index.
Name not valid for DBMS.
ROWID for Oracle Spatial table already exists.
The gsrvr dll for a direct connection could not be loaded.
The table cannot be registered.
Operation not supported on multiversion table.
No ArcSDE server license was found.
Export file format is not supported.
Specified table is in use
SE_XMLINDEXINFO object not initialized
Specified XML column exists
The XML tag's data type or alias does not match.
The XML index already exists.
The specified XML index does not exist.
Attempted to alter a non-modifiable field.
Cannot alter/delete template that is referenced by a column.
Must be the XML index owner to delete or alter.
SE_XMLDOC object not initialized
Named tag not found.
Illegal XML document syntax
The required column does not exist in the LAYERS table (SDE_LAYERS in SQL Server and PostgreSQL).
Invalid date value
Given XML column not found
Both XML columns must be the same for this operation.
Incorrect XPATH syntax.
Input XPATH tag not supported in current release.
SE_COLUMNINFO object not initialized
SE_XMLTAGINFO object not initialized
Wrong type of XML index
The requested operation is unsupported by the single spatial database type of geodatabase. (SQL Server only)
Incorrect XPATH location alias syntax
Incorrect XPATH predicate token.
Incorrect XPATH predicate operator.
Incorrect XPATH predicate contain function syntax.
Empty XPATH element is not allowed.
Incorrect XPATH token.
Environment variable SDETMP is not set to a value.
SERVERINFO object not initialized
Ambiguity exists between a user name and group name when working with permissions.
Geocoding rule file already exists and force_overwrite is not specified
Geocoding rule file is not found
Geocoding rule is not found in the geocoding rule table.
Geocoding rule already exists in the geocoding rule table and force_overwrite is not specified.
SE_XMLCOLUMNINFO object not initialized
Invalid system group name
Column contains NOT NULL values during SE_xmlcolumn_create()
Locator property is too long or invalid.
Locator property has multiple values.
The search window is completely outside the Oracle Spatial geodetic extent.
Cannot use XPATH searches on nonindexed columns.
The current table does not have a UUID column that is maintained by ArcSDE.
Invalid UUID column
Underlying RDBMS does not support 64-bit layers.
Invalid (rebuild) index mask
Coordinate reference/layer precision is not valid for the requested operation.
The SE_TRANSFORMINFO object is not initialized.
Invalid raster band transform list
The raster band has no transform list.
SE_QUERYCOLUMN object not initialized.
Multiple shapes set to SE_SHAPESOURCE shape.
SE_QUERYSELECT object not initialized.
SE_SHAPESOURCE object not initialized.
SE_SPATIALCONSTRAINT object not initialized.
QUERYFROM join constraint is missing.
QUERYFROM join conflict
QUERYFROM join table is missing.
SE_QUERYTABLE object is not initialized.
SE_QUERYFROM object is not initialized
SE_XMLCONSTRAINT object is not initialized
SE_ATTRIBUTECONSTRAINT object is not initialized.
SE_QUERYWHERE object is not initialized
Error opening the code page converter.
The destination string buffer is too small.
Code page conversion error
The specified operation is not valid on a closed state.
The requested operation is not valid on the base state.
No longer in use
The direct connection is not registered with an ArcSDE server license.
The given range of IDs is invalid.
This state object does not contain lineage information.
The OGCWKB type does not support annotation or CAD data entity types.
Setting the image origin in this case is not allowed.
The specified image origin is not valid.
The raster band has no geodatabase metadata.
Invalid raster band geodatabase metadata was specified or returned.
You cannot create an index on a complex column.
You cannot start a compress operation if compress is already running.
ArcSDE has detected that the schema information in the COLUMN_REGISTRY table is out of date.
The multiversioned table has rows in one or both of the delta tables.
The application can no longer connect to the underlying DBMS.
The specified value is too large for a 32-bit integer.
The DBTUNEPARAM object is not initialized.
The DBTUNEKEYWORD object is not initialized.
The specified table is already enabled for archiving.
Archiving is not enabled on this table.
An attempt was made to modify an XML column property that cannot change.
The supplied user-schema geodatabase handle is not valid. (Oracle only)
A geodatabase already exists in this schema. (Oracle only)
The specified user has no permissions to create tables in this schema.
The layer is already registered outside of the current schema.
The nonspatial table is already registered outside of the current schema.
The specified operation is only valid if there is a user transaction.
The specified data source server was not found.
The supplied schema is not the master (SDE) schema. (Oracle only)
The column index is being altered.
The XML column is in load-only I/O mode.
The XML column is in normal I/O mode.
The table is in load-only I/O mode.
You cannot enable or disable archiving during create/alter registration.
One or more of the keywords, parameters, or configuration strings in the DBTUNE table are invalid.
The keyset table could not be created.
The keyset table could not be removed.
The attempted operation is not allowed on a history table.
The ST_GEOMETRY type does not exist in the database.
One or more invalid connection property or properties were specified.
The object being referenced is not initialized.
General raster compression error
The SE_ARCHIVEINFO object is not initialized.
DBMS constraint does not exist.
A DBMS constraint exists.
The SE_LAYERGRID pointer is not initialized.
INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE access must be revoked first.
A keyset table was not created for the query.
An invalid raster column name was specified.
This operation not supported with a keyset table.
The geometry type has become invalid.
Invalid SDO_GeoRaster metadata
The predefined query requires different dynamic binds.
The table must be a history table for to perform this operation.
Dependent objects exist on this object.
The specified ArcSDE database instance is not compatible with the direct-connect driver release used to make the connection.
The text in a VARCHAR tag exceeded 256 characters.
The specified database object exists.
The specified database user and current schema do not have the same name. Each user who will own data must have a schema with the same name as the user name.
The DBMS space limit has been reached.
Invalid ST_Geometry type release
The specified password is too long for this ArcSDE server.
The table containing a spatial column is not registered as a layer with ArcSDE.
The PostGIS geometry type is not installed.
The attribute buffer size is too small.
Case sensitive databases are not supported.
A geodatabase exists in a user's schema that is dependent on the master SDE geodatabase. (Oracle only)
This schema owns objects that are registered with geodatabases in other schemas. (Oracle only).
Connections exist to the SDE master geodatabase or geodatabases owned by other users. (Oracle only)
There are dependent columns of the ST_GEOMETRY type; therefore, you cannot delete the master SDE geodatabase. (Oracle only)
A newer release ArcSDE direct-connect driver is attempting to connect to an older release ArcSDE geodatabase.
An older release ArcSDE direct-connect driver is attempting to connect to a newer release ArcSDE geodatabase.
The name of the specified tag is too long.
Illegal byte sequence in string
The spatial column data contains multiple spatial references; all records in a table must have the same spatial reference to be registered with ArcSDE.
The function or procedure specified for creation already exists.
The function or procedure called does not exist.
Active connections were found during the upgrade process. The upgrade will not proceed if there are active connections to the geodatabase.
Invalid parameters were provided in the request to switch to a proxy-authenticated session.
The specified SQL statement would cause a database deadlock with a statement executed by another session.
This operation is not supported on connections to databases that have no ArcSDE geodatabase system tables in them. (In other words, the operation is not supported when working with a database that is not a geodatabase.)
The preallocated CLOB buffer size is insufficient.
The specified index name is too long.
Invalid index data type
A primary key column was not found for the table.
The ST_Raster library was detected but is not compatible with (is a different release than) the ST_Raster stored procedures.
The ArcSDE geodatabase is currently paused for upgrade; no new connections are allowed while the geodatabase is being upgraded.
Invalid XML schema document object
Invalid XML schema object
The specified XML schema already exists.
The specified XML schema does not exist.
Not currently in use. The SE_EXTENT_STATS_QUERY object was not initialized.
An invalid XML schema collection object was specified.
The XML schema name is too long. The limits for each supported DBMS are as follows: Oracle = 767, DB2 = 128, SQL Server = 1000.
The XML schema create option provided is invalid.
The XML schema delete option provided is invalid.
The XML schema update option provided is invalid.
The ST_Raster type library could not be found or could not be loaded. See the installation guide or ArcGIS Server documentation for details on the ST_Raster libraries.
The connection was attempted with an older version of SQL Server client communications software that is not compatible with the SQL Server database.
The version of the DBMS to which you are connecting is not supported.
The shape comparison language relate operation cannot be applied to this pair of geometries. This message is returned if the operation is attempted on 2D hybrid shapes that cannot be expressed using a single 9DEM matrix.
The requested operation is not supported on an archiving table.
Because Oracle 11g was not supported with ArcSDE 9.2, you must use an Oracle 10g client to make a direct connection to an ArcSDE 9.2 geodatabase stored in an Oracle 10g database. Alternatively, you can use an ArcSDE service to make the connection.
The following codes are returned when a non-fatal exception occurs.
Returned by functions that completed successfully but made changes of which the caller needs to be aware. This return code should not be considered a fatal error by the application program.
The function completed successfully but it changed the entity type of the shape.
No rows were deleted.
The user tried to perform an SE_DISTINCT_STATS statistic and the resulting number of distinct values exceeds the maximum number allowed. The maximum allowed is the lesser of MAX_DISTINCT (SERVER_CONFIG) and the max_distinct argument in SE_table_calculate_stats.
Returned by the SE_stream_get_<data_type> functions when the given column has a NULL value in the current row.
Returned during an update operation when no rows satisfied the user's WHERE clause.
No code page conversion.
Cannot find the code page directory.
The DBMS does not support this function.
The DBMS function ID is invalid. Returned by SE_connection_get_dbms_function.
The layer extent could not be updated.
No localized error messages are available.
A spatial index was not created because the SPIDX_PARAM specified is not supported.
ArcSDE does not support this function on this DBMS.
The SQL statement that is being re-executed was not found in the cache.
The object being referenced does not exist.
The limit for maximum number of ordinates in the SDO_ORDINATES array has been reached.
No cluster tolerance properties persisted in this spatial reference schema.
No compress status information is available.
The operation succeeded with warning messages written to a log file.
Exit codes indicate whether a connection exits successfully and, if not, why it did not. Different types of exit codes can be returned.
If the connection was dropped on a signal or with an operating system (OS) exception code, see the OS documentation for explanations of those codes or warnings.
ArcSDE service connection exit codes are managed by the giomgr and are written to the giomgr.log file when a connection's gsrvr exits. Exit code numbers 0 – 9 in the following list represent ArcSDE service exit codes.
Direct connection exit codes are returned when the gsrvr thread from the client is unable to access a particular system table. These exit codes are seen if you trap for them on the gsrvr thread. Exit code numbers 10 – 15 in the following list are direct connection exit codes.
Connection successfully exited.
Returned when an invalid instance, node, database, or user name is used. (For instance, if it contained spaces or was not enclosed in quotes when it should have been.)
The iomgr died while communicating with the new gsrvr process.
A problem occurred when trying to connect to the DBMS. Check the error log.
Encountered a problem when accessing the DBMS shared memory tables. Check the error log.
Could not allocate enough memory for the minimum structures required for the gsrvr.
An error was encountered in setting up communications to the client. Make sure the client is still running.
A fatal error occurred when setting up log files. Check the error log.
The client application disconnected unexpectedly.
Error in the client/server dialog.
An error occurred when setting up access to the TABLE_REGISTRY or COLUMN_REGISTRY tables (sde_table_registry and sde_column_registry in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). (Direct connections only)
An error occurred when setting up access to the LAYERS table (sde_layers in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). (Direct connections only)
An error occurred while setting up access to the METADATA table (sde_metadata in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). (Direct connections only)
An error occurred while setting up access to the RASTER_COLUMNS table (sde_raster_columns in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). (Direct connections only)
Error in setting up access to the VERSIONS and STATES tables (sde_versions and sde_states in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). (Direct connections only)
Error in setting up access to the LOCATORS table (sde_locators in SQL Server and PostgreSQL). (Direct connections only)
Could not find a localized start up failure message to send client during failed connection.
Obsolete message since 8.0