 AverageDriveTimeReportParameters The AverageDriveTimeReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Average Drive Time Report task.
 AverageDriveTimeReportTask The Average Drive Time Report task calculates the average drive time within trade areas.
 BenchmarkReportParameters The BenchmarkReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Benchmark Report task.
 BenchmarkReportTask The Benchmark Report task is a comparative report that benchmarks two or more trade areas based on selected volumetric data (typically demographic data).
 CustomerDemographicComparisonParameters The CustomerDemographicComparisonParameters class provides input parameters for the Customer Demographic Comparison task.
 CustomerDemographicComparisonTask The Customer Demographic Comparison task compares the demographic profiles of two customer layers and reports on the differences.
 CustomerDemographicProfileParameters The CustomerDemographicProfileParameters class provides input parameters for the Customer Demographic Profile task.
 CustomerDemographicProfileTask The Customer Demographic Profile task summarizes the demographic makeup of the geographies where your customers live.
 CustomerGeographicSummaryParameters The CustomerGeographicSummaryParameters class provides input parameters for the Customer Geographic Summary task.
 CustomerGeographicSummaryTask The Customer Geographic Summary task creates a report containing the geography areas where most customers are located, ranked top to bottom according to the number of customers in each area.
 DistanceDecayParameters The DistanceDecayParameters class provides input parameters for the Distance Decay task.
 DistanceDecayTask The Distance Decay task calculates the market penetration of your customers for ring, drive-time or drive-distance polygons around stores.
 LocatorReportParameters The LocatorReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Locator Report task.
 LocatorReportTask The Locator Report task generates a report based on the relation of stores to competitors.
 MarketPenetrationParameters The MarketPenetrationParameters class provides input parameters for the Market Penetration task.
 MarketPenetrationTask The Market Penetration task calculates the market penetration based on the customer data within an area.
 MarketRankingParameters The MarketRankingParameters class provides input parameters for the Market Ranking task.
 MarketRankingTask The Market Ranking task creates a report to rank data based on a selected variable.
 MatchLevelSummaryReportParameters The MatchLevelSummaryReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Match Level Summary Report task.
 MatchLevelSummaryReportTask The Match Level Summary Report task creates a report that assigns customer records to one of five match levels based on the geographic code assigned to each customer while geocoding.
 MeasureCannibalizationParameters The MeasureCannibalizationParameters class provides input parameters for the Measure Cannibalization task.
 MeasureCannibalizationTask The Measure Cannibalization task calculates the amount of overlap between two or more trade areas.
 PointsInPolygonReportParameters The PointsInPolygonReportParameters class provides input parameters for the Points in Polygon Report task.
 PointsInPolygonReportTask The Points in Polygon Report task creates a report on the distribution of points within polygons.
 SummarizePointsParameters The SummarizePointsParameters class provides input parameters for the Summarize Points task.
 SummarizePointsTask The Summarize Points task aggregates data from a point layer to a polygon layer.
 SummaryReportsParameters The SummaryReportsParameters class provides input parameters for the Summary Reports task.
 SummaryReportsTask The Summary Reports task creates summary reports for a given set of boundaries.