 ReturnStdGeographyParameters The ReturnStdGeographyParameters class provides input parameters for the Return Standard Geography task.
 ReturnStdGeographyTask The Return Standard Geography task returns IDs and names of features from specified geography levels that match the given location.
 StdGeographiesByAttributesParameters The StdGeographiesByAttributesParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies by Attributes task.
 StdGeographiesByAttributesTask The Standard Geographies by Attributes task requests a list of feature/area names and their corresponding IDs based on the result of a string-based query on a Community Analyst data layer.
 StdGeographiesFromExtentParameters The StdGeographiesFromExtentParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies from Extent task.
 StdGeographiesFromExtentTask The Standard Geographies from Extent task requests a list of feature/area names and their corresponding IDs based on the result of a spatial query on a Community Analyst data layer.