B U S I N E S S   A N A L Y S T   10.5   R E S T   G E O E N R I C H M E N T   T A S K

Standard Geography Query Endpoint

Provides a helper method that returns standard geography IDs and features for the supported geographic levels in the United States and Canada.


Availability: Business Analyst web app, Business Analyst Server.


URL Example





sourceCountry (required)

Specify the source country for the search. Type string.

optionalCountryDataset (required)

Specify a specific dataset within a defined country. Type string.

optionalCountryHierarchy (required)

Specify a specific hierarchy within a defined country. Type string.

geographyLayers (required)

Specify which standard geography layers are being queried or searched. Type string.

Default: null or empty.

geographyIDs (required)

Specify which IDs for the standard geography layers are being queried or searched. Type string.

Default: null or empty.

geographyQuery (required)

Specify the text to query and search the standard geography layers requested. Type string.

Default: null or empty.

returnSubGeographyLayer (optional)

Request the output subgeography layer. Type boolean

Default: false.

subGeographyLayer (optional)

Return all the subgeographic areas that are within a parent geography. Type string

Default: false.

subGeographyQuery (optional)

Filter the results of the subgeography features that are returned by a search term. Type string

Default: null or empty.

returnGeometry (optional)

Request the output geometries in the response. Type boolean

Default: false.

outSR (optional)

Request the output geometries in a specified spatial reference system. Type string

Default: 4326.

returnCentroids (optional)

Request the output geometry to return the center point for each feature. Type boolean

Default: false.

generalizationLevel (optional)

Specify the level of generalization or detail in the area representations of the administrative boundary or standard geographic data layers. Type integer

Default: 0.

useFuzzySearch (optional)

Define if text provided in the geographyQuery parameter should utilize fuzzy search logic. Type boolean

Default: false.

featureLimit (optional)

limit the number of features that are returned from the geographyQuery parameter. Type integer

Default: 1000.

f (optional)

Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, XML.

Default: html.


Example Usage

Get a list of all available geographic boundary data layers in the Canada dataset.






 "geographyLevels" : [ {
    "countryID" : "CA",
    "countryName" : "Canada",
    "datasets" : [ {
      "datasetID" : "CAN_ESRI_2015",
      "branches" : [ {
        "id" : "CAN.WholeCanada",
        "name" : "Entire Country",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.WholeCanada" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPR",
        "name" : "Provinces",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFED",
        "name" : "Province by Federal Electoral Districts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FED" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCD",
        "name" : "Province by Census Divisions",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyCSD",
        "name" : "Province by CDs by Census Subdivisions",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.CSD" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCSD",
        "name" : "Province by Census Subdivisions",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CSD" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMA",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyCT",
        "name" : "Province by CDs by Census Tracts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.CT" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCSDbyCT",
        "name" : "Province by CSDs by Census Tracts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CSD", "CAN.CT" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMAbyCT",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CA by Census Tracts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA", "CAN.CT" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by CDs by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCSDbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by CSDs by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CSD", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMAbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CAs by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFEDbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by FED by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FED", "CAN.DA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by CD by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.DA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMAbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CA by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA", "CAN.DA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFSAbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by FSA by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FSA", "CAN.DA" ]
      } ],
      "levels" : [ {
        "id" : "CAN.WholeCanada",
        "name" : "Whole Canada",
        "isWholeCountry" : true,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin1",
        "singularName" : "Whole Canada",
        "pluralName" : "Whole Canada"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.PR",
        "name" : "Province and Territories (PRs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin2",
        "singularName" : "Province",
        "pluralName" : "Provinces"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.FED",
        "name" : "Federal Electoral Districts (FEDs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin4",
        "singularName" : "Federal Electoral District",
        "pluralName" : "Federal Electoral Districts"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CD",
        "name" : "Census Divisions (CDs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin3",
        "singularName" : "Census Division",
        "pluralName" : "Census Divisions"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CSD",
        "name" : "Census Subdivisions (CSDs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "Census Subdivision",
        "pluralName" : "Census Subdivisions"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CMACA",
        "name" : "Census Metropolitan/Census Agglomeration Areas (CMA/CAs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "CMA/CA",
        "pluralName" : "CMA/CAs"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CT",
        "name" : "Census Tracts (CTs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "Census Tract",
        "pluralName" : "Census Tracts"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.FSA",
        "name" : "Forward Sortation Areas (FSAs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "FSA Code",
        "pluralName" : "FSA Codes"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.DA",
        "name" : "Dissemination Areas (DAs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "Dissemination Areas (DAs)",
        "pluralName" : "Dissemination Areas (DAs)"
      } ]
    } ],
    "hierarchies" : [ {
      "ID" : "census",
      "branches" : [ {
        "id" : "CAN.WholeCanada",
        "name" : "Entire Country",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.WholeCanada" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPR",
        "name" : "Provinces",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFED",
        "name" : "Province by Federal Electoral Districts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FED" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCD",
        "name" : "Province by Census Divisions",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyCSD",
        "name" : "Province by CDs by Census Subdivisions",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.CSD" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCSD",
        "name" : "Province by Census Subdivisions",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CSD" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMA",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyCT",
        "name" : "Province by CDs by Census Tracts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.CT" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCSDbyCT",
        "name" : "Province by CSDs by Census Tracts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CSD", "CAN.CT" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMAbyCT",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CA by Census Tracts",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA", "CAN.CT" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by CDs by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCSDbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by CSDs by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CSD", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMAbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CAs by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFSA",
        "name" : "Province by FSAs",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FSA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFEDbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by FED by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FED", "CAN.DA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCDbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by CD by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CD", "CAN.DA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyCMAbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by CMA/CA by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.CMACA", "CAN.DA" ]
      }, {
        "id" : "CANbyPRbyFSAbyDA",
        "name" : "Province by FSA by Dissemination Areas",
        "levels" : [ "CAN.PR", "CAN.FSA", "CAN.DA" ]
      } ],
      "levels" : [ {
        "id" : "CAN.WholeCanada",
        "name" : "Whole Canada",
        "isWholeCountry" : true,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin1",
        "singularName" : "Whole Canada",
        "pluralName" : "Whole Canada"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.PR",
        "name" : "Province and Territories (PRs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin2",
        "singularName" : "Province",
        "pluralName" : "Provinces"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.FED",
        "name" : "Federal Electoral Districts (FEDs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin4",
        "singularName" : "Federal Electoral District",
        "pluralName" : "Federal Electoral Districts"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CD",
        "name" : "Census Divisions (CDs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "Admin3",
        "singularName" : "Census Division",
        "pluralName" : "Census Divisions"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CSD",
        "name" : "Census Subdivisions (CSDs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "Census Subdivision",
        "pluralName" : "Census Subdivisions"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CMACA",
        "name" : "Census Metropolitan/Census Agglomeration Areas (CMA/CAs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "CMA/CA",
        "pluralName" : "CMA/CAs"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.CT",
        "name" : "Census Tracts (CTs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "Census Tract",
        "pluralName" : "Census Tracts"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.FSA",
        "name" : "Forward Sortation Areas (FSAs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "FSA Code",
        "pluralName" : "FSA Codes"
      }, {
        "id" : "CAN.DA",
        "name" : "Dissemination Areas (DAs)",
        "isWholeCountry" : false,
        "adminLevel" : "",
        "singularName" : "Dissemination Areas (DAs)",
        "pluralName" : "Dissemination Areas (DAs)"


See Also

Business Analyst Server REST Reference