Running the post installation silently

The ArcGIS Server post installation process can be executed silently. This topic details the command line parameters required to silently configure and authorize ArcGIS Server for use.

The complete ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework post installation process is composed of two separate post installations: the GIS Server Post Install and the Web Services Post Install. If a complete GUI installation of ArcGIS Server 10 - GIS Services is performed, the two post installations are integrated, allowing both to be completed as part of one post installation process. The GIS Server Post Install configures and authorizes the server object manager (SOM) and server object container (SOC). The Web Services Post Install configures ArcGIS Server Manager and Web Services.


Sample command lines for various post installation scenarios are provided here.

GIS Server Post Install

The GIS Server Post Install configures and authorizes ArcGIS Server for use. If both the SOM and the SOC are installed, the GIS Server Post Install will configure and authorize the ArcGIS Server installation. If only the SOM is installed, the GIS Server Post Install will only configure the ArcGIS Server installation. If only the SOC is installed, the GIS Server Post Install will configure and authorize the ArcGIS Server installation.

Configure ArcGIS Server silently

A server configuration file is recommended to run the GIS Server Post Install silently. The configuration file required is created when the GIS Server Post Install is run manually and the option to Export configuration file is selected.

Beginning at ArcGIS 10, the GIS Server Post Install can be executed silently without first creating a server configuration file. See Advanced GIS Server Post Install command line parameters for more information.

The GIS Server Post Install must be run manually at least one time (with the option to Export configuration file selected) to create a server configuration file. The exported server configuration file can be used to execute the GIS Server Post Install silently on other machines.

After a server configuration file has been created, use the command below to run the GIS Server Post Install silently.

<ArcGIS installation location>\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\<path to server configuration file>configurationfile.xml

For example:

C:\Program files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\config_files\PostInstallConfig.xml

Authorize ArcGIS Server

<System disk drive>\Program files\Common files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF <path to .ecp authorization file>authorizationfile.ecp /S

For example:

C:\Program files\Common files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF C:\Server_authorization.ecp /S

Web Services Post Install

The Web Services Post Install configures ArcGIS Server Manager and Web Services for use. The parameters detailed for the Web Services Post Install must all be entered in the order listed. If any parameters are missing or out of order, the Web Services Post Installation process will fail.


The ArcGIS Server 10 - Web Applications installation does not require the Web Services Post Install to be run and will not launch it at the end of the installation.

<ArcGIS Install location>\dotnet\webpostinstall.exe -s <Instance Name> <SOM name> <user name> <password> <domain> </n or /y> <port>

For example:

C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\Dotnet\webpostinstall.exe -s ArcGIS Princeton User1 1234 mydomain /n 80

Post installation command line examples

The examples below can be used as a template to build a batch file that will configure and authorize ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently. Installation command line parameters can be incorporated to install, configure, and authorize ArcGIS Server with one batch file. See Installing ArcGIS Server silently for more information on installation command line parameters.

Full ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework post installation

C:\Program files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\config_files\PostInstallConfig.xml
C:\Program files\Common files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF C:\Server_authorization.ecp /S
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\dotnet\webpostinstall.exe -s ArcGIS Princeton User1 1234 mydomain /n 80

SOM only post installation

C:\Program files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\config_files\PostInstallConfig.xml

SOC only post installation

C:\Program files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\config_files\PostInstallConfig.xml
C:\Program files\Common files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF C:\Server_authorization.ecp /S

SOM and SOC only post installation

C:\Program files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\config_files\PostInstallConfig.xml
C:\Program files\Common files\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF C:\Server_authorization.ecp /S

Services Manager and Web Services (SOAP, REST) only post installation

C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\dotnet\webpostinstall.exe -s ArcGIS Princeton User1 1234 mydomain /n 80

SOM and Services Manager only post installation

C:\Program files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\bin\ServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig C:\config_files\PostInstallConfig.xml
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\dotnet\webpostinstall.exe -s ArcGIS Princeton User1 1234 mydomain /n 80

Advanced GIS Server Post Install command line parameters

/hideoutput—Runs the Server Post Install in silent mode

/containeronly—For use with SOC-only installations

/manageronly—For use with Web Services-only installations

/both—Default of /containeronly and /manageronly. for use in a full installation

/writeconfig—Writes a configuration file to save the options chosen in the current run of the SPI

/readconfig—Runs the SPI using a previously saved configuration file

/uninstall—Uninstalls the ArcSOCMon, ArcSOM, and ArcGIS Manager windows OS services

/somusername—Default ArcGISSOM; name for the ArcGIS SOM account

/sompassword—Password for the ArcGIS SOM account

/socusername—Default ArcGISSOC; name for the ArcGIS SOC account

/socpassword—Password for the ArcGIS SOC account

/wsusername—Default ArcGISWebServices (java - arcgismanager); name for the ArcGIS Server Web Services account

/wspassword—Password for the ArcGIS Web Services account

/useproxy—Enables connections from server objects to outside resources to use a proxy server

/proxyaddress—Address of proxy server (hostname or IP address)

/proxyport—Port number of proxy server

/proxyusername—User name of authenticated user for proxy server (if required)

/proxypassword—Password for the proxy server authenticated user

/webserverroot—Default C:\arcgisserver; physical path to where the server output directories are created

/webserverport—Default 80 for .NET and 8399 for Java; HTTP port of Web server

/instancename—Name of the Web server; used to create virtual directory URLs

Using unencrypted passwords

To use unencrypted passwords, edit the configuration file created with the ArcGIS Server Post Install /writeconfig option and add an encrypted="false” attribute to any password element. For example, to use an unencrypted password for the ArcGIS Server accounts, edit the saved GIS Server Post Install configuration file by adding encrypted attributes as follows:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ManagerPassword encrypted=”false”>myUnecryptedPassword</ManagerPassword> <ContainerUser>ArcGISSOC</ContainerUser>
<ContainerPassword encrypted=”false”>myUnencryptedPassword</ContainerPassword> <WebServicesUser>ArcGISWeb</WebServicesUser>
<WebServicesPassword encrypted=”false”>myUnencryptedPassword</WebServicesPassword> <ServerDirectoryRoot>c:\arcgisserver</ServerDirectoryRoot>
It is not recommended that you keep configuration files with unencrypted passwords on an ArcGIS Server system. After the server post installation runs using a configuration file with unencrypted passwords, the ArcGIS Server administrator should change the passwords for the accounts specified in the configuration file and consider deleting the configuration file. This could also be automated in an OEM script.

Published 6/24/2010