Moving existing data to a newer EGDB instance

You have two options for applying service packs to your enterprise geodatabase (EGDB) instances on Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2):

This topic explains how to create a new EGDB instance from a newer release EGDB AMI. See Applying service packs to an existing EGDB Amazon EC2 instance for information on upgrading an existing instance.


Esri does not create new AMIs for patches. To apply patches, you must always download and install the patches directly on your existing EC2 instances.

Steps for creating and using a new EGDB instance, moving data, and upgrading the geodatabase are as follows:

  1. Create an image of your existing EGDB EC2 instance.

    This is your backup. After you have upgraded and tested to be sure everything is working as expected, you can delete this image.

  2. Detach your data volume from your existing EGDB EC2 instance.

    You will move this volume to your new instance after it is created.

  3. Launch an enterprise geodatabase (EGDB) EC2 instance using the AMI that contains the release you want to use.
  4. Detach the data volume from your new EGDB EC2 instance, then delete it.
  5. Alter the administrator and database user passwords for your new instance.

    Be sure to use the same passwords for your database users as you used in your old EGDB EC2 instance.

  6. If you had added database users to your previous instance, make a remote desktop connection to your EGDB server and add the same users to the new instance.
  7. Attach your existing data volume to the new EGDB EC2 instance.
  8. If necessary, open the Windows Disk Management console and assign the new volumes back to the drive letters they originally had. (See these steps for attaching a drive if you need help.) If you use the same Windows devices (example: xvdg) where the now-deleted EBS volume was assigned, you may not have to do this extra step.
  9. Be sure the sde user in the database still has superuser privileges in PostgreSQL.

    The sde user has this privilege by default. You only have to regrant the privilege if you revoked it from the sde user.

  10. Remap your elastic IP address to point to your new EGDB instance.
  11. Create and configure an ArcGIS Server EC2 instance with the same service pack version as the EGDB instance you created.
  12. Make a remote desktop connection to your ArcGIS Server EC2 instance server.
  13. Start ArcCatalog.

    Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcCatalog 10

  14. Connect to the new EGDB instance as the sde user.
    • If your .sde connection files were stored on the data drive you moved to your new ArcGIS Server instance and you used your existing elastic IP address for your new EGDB instance, your existing spatial database connections in the Catalog tree should still work. Test the connection to be sure you can connect to your new instance as the sde user.
    • If your connection files were not moved to your new ArcGIS Server instance or you used a new elastic IP address for your new EGDB instance, create a connection to the new EGDB instance, connecting as the sde user.
  15. Right-click the geodatabase connection and click Properties to see if the geodatabase needs upgrading.
    1. Click the General tab.
    2. If the Upgrade Status indicates an upgrade is not needed, you are finished migrating this enterprise geodatabase. Close the Geodatabase Properties dialog box for this geodatabase.
    3. If the Upgrade Status indicates the geodatabase can be upgraded, proceed to the next step.
  16. Click the Upgrade Geodatabase button.

    The Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool opens. The Input geodatabase text box is prepopulated with the geodatabase connection information when launched using the Upgrade Geodatabase button.

  17. NoteNote:

    You cannot run the Upgrade Geodatabase tool if any other geoprocessing tools are currently running as background processes on the client machine.

  18. Esri recommends that you leave both the Pre-requisites check and Upgrade geodatabase options checked on the Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool. That way, the tool checks to see if the prerequisites to upgrade have been met before continuing with the geodatabase upgrade.

    The prerequisite check detects other active connections to the geodatabase, whether the connecting user has sufficient privileges to upgrade the geodatabase, that the database can support XML columns, and makes sure all datasets can be opened. If any prerequisites are not met, the tool terminates. You must correct any problems before you run the upgrade procedure again.

    The results of this check are reported on the geoprocessing tool dialog box and the GDBUpgrade<n>.log, which can be found in the system TEMP directory.

  19. Click OK to start the checks and upgrade.
  20. If all checks are passed, the tool proceeds with the upgrade. The status for the prerequisites check and the upgrade are shown on the geoprocessing tool progress dialog box.
  21. When the tool successfully completes, click Close to close the geoprocessing tool progress dialog box.
  22. After testing to be sure your new EGDB and ArcGIS Server instances work as you expect, delete the image you created in step 1.
  23. Terminate your old EGDB instance and delete any EBS volumes that were still attached to the old instance.
