Applying service packs to an existing EGDB Amazon EC2 instance
You have two options for applying service packs to your enterprise geodatabase (EGDB) instances on Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2):
- Apply the service pack to your existing EGDB EC2 instance.
If you have customized your existing EGDB EC2 instance (for example, you created additional users, altered the postgresql.conf file, or installed PostGIS), you may find it easier to install the service pack on your existing EGDB instance rather than creating a new instance and moving data.
- Use an EGDB Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to which the service pack is already applied, create a new instance, and move your data.
If you are creating a new EGDB EC2 instance, use the AMI that already has the service pack applied. You can also create a new instance and move the data volume (D drive) from your existing EGDB EC2 instance to the new instance.
This topic explains how to apply a service pack to an existing instance. See Moving data to a new EGDB instance that has a service pack applied for instructions on creating a new instance that already includes the service pack, moving your data, and upgrading the geodatabase.

Esri does not create new AMIs for patches. To apply patches, you must always download and install the patches directly on your existing EC2 instances.
Detailed steps for downloading and applying service packs and patches are as follows:
- Create an image of your existing EGDB EC2 instance.
This is your backup. After you have upgraded and tested to be sure everything is working as expected, you can delete this image.
- Go to the ArcGIS Server Software Updates page on the ArcGIS Resource Center and download the ArcSDE service pack for PostgreSQL on Windows.
- Upload the service pack installation file to your EGDB EC2 instance server.
The same options are available as when you transfer data. See the "Options for transferring data to the cloud" section of Strategies for data transfer to Amazon for a list of these options.
- Run the .msp file on the EGDB EC2 instance server to install the service pack.
- Be sure the sde user in the database still has superuser privileges in PostgreSQL.
The sde user has this privilege by default. You only have to regrant the privilege if you revoked it from the sde user.
- Pause the geodatabase so no new connections can be made before you upgrade.
Use the sdemon command with the pause operation to prevent new connections to the geodatabase.
- Open an MS-DOS command window on the EGDB EC2 instance server.
- Run the sdemon command with the pause operation.
sdemon -o pause -i sde:postgresql:<server name> -D <database name> -u sde
- Run the sdemon command to be sure no other users are connected to the geodatabase.
sdemon -o info -I users -i sde:postgresql:<server name> -D <database name>
If this command returns any connections, they must be disconnected before you can proceed with the EGDB upgrade.
- Create and configure an ArcGIS Server instance with the same service pack version as you applied to your EGDB instance.
- Make a remote desktop connection to your ArcGIS Server EC2 instance server.
- Start ArcCatalog.
Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcCatalog 10
- Connect to the geodatabase on your EGDB instance as the sde user.
- Under the Database Connections node on the Catalog tree, right-click the connection file for the geodatabase on your EGDB instance and click Connection Properties.
The Spatial Database Connection Properties dialog box opens.
- Type sde for the Username.
- Type the password for the sde database user in the Password text box.
- Click OK to close the Spatial Database Connection Properties dialog box and connect to the geodatabase.
- Under the Database Connections node on the Catalog tree, right-click the connection file for the geodatabase on your EGDB instance and click Connection Properties.
- Right-click the geodatabase connection and click Properties to see if the geodatabase needs upgrading.
- Click the General tab.
- If the Upgrade Status indicates an upgrade is not needed, you are finished migrating this enterprise geodatabase. Close the Geodatabase Properties dialog box for this geodatabase.
- If the Upgrade Status indicates the geodatabase can be upgraded, proceed to the next step.
Click the Upgrade Geodatabase button.
The Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool opens. The Input geodatabase text box is prepopulated with the geodatabase connection information when launched using the Upgrade Geodatabase button.
Esri recommends that you leave both the Pre-requisites check and Upgrade geodatabase options checked on the Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool. That way, the tool checks to see if the prerequisites to upgrade have been met before continuing with the geodatabase upgrade.
The prerequisite check detects other active connections to the geodatabase, whether the connecting user has sufficient privileges to upgrade the geodatabase, that the database can support XML columns, and makes sure all datasets can be opened. If any prerequisites are not met, the tool terminates. You must correct any problems before you run the upgrade procedure again.
The results of this check are reported on the geoprocessing tool dialog box and the GDBUpgrade<n>.log, which can be found in the system TEMP directory.
- Click OK to start the checks and upgrade.
- If all checks are passed, the tool proceeds with the upgrade. The status for the prerequisites check and the upgrade are shown on the geoprocessing tool progress dialog box.
- When the tool successfully completes, click Close to close the geoprocessing tool progress dialog box.

You cannot run the Upgrade Geodatabase tool if any other geoprocessing tools are currently running as background processes on the client machine.
Your EGDB is now upgraded to the service pack release that you applied. Repeat these steps to upgrade any additional enterprise geodatabase instances you have.