Uses of Class

Packages that use Graphic Provides classes for all the different elements of a map. Contains the classes for the available map layer types. Contains classes that define elements from feature and image services. 
com.esri.core.renderer Provides different types of renderers used to symbolize graphics. 
com.esri.core.symbol.advanced Contains classes for advanced symbol and message processing. 
com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing Contains classes for connecting to geoprocessing services and parsing the results. 

Uses of Graphic in

Methods in that return Graphic
 Graphic PopupView.getGraphic()
          Returns the Graphic associated with this PopupView.
 Graphic GraphicsLayer.getGraphic(int uid)
          Retrives a graphic instance using a unique ID.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Graphic
 Renderer<Graphic> GraphicsLayer.getRenderer()
          Gets the renderer of the GraphicsLayer.

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
 int GraphicsLayer.addGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Adds a graphic into GraphicsLayer
 int[] GraphicsLayer.addGraphics(Graphic[] graphics)
          Adds an array of Graphic.
 PopupView PopupContainer.addPopupView(PopupInfo popUpInfo, Graphic graphic)
          Add a single PopupView to this PopupContainer.
 String InfoTemplate.getContent(Graphic graphic)
          Gets the content populated with the attribute values of the provided graphic.
 String InfoTemplate.getTitle(Graphic graphic)
          Gets the title populated with the attribute values of the provided graphic.
 void GraphicsLayer.updateGraphic(int id, Graphic graphic)
          Updates a graphic specified by an id with attributes of another graphic instance.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Graphic
 void GraphicsLayer.setRenderer(Renderer<Graphic> renderer)
          Sets the renderer of the GraphicsLayer.

Constructors in with parameters of type Graphic
PopupView(android.content.Context context, PopupInfo popUpInfo, Graphic graphic)
          Constructor for PopupView that creates a popup based on a PopupInfo and a Graphic.

Uses of Graphic in

Methods in that return Graphic
 Graphic ArcGISFeatureLayer.createFeatureWithTemplate(FeatureTemplate template, Geometry geometry)
          Creates a new feature based on the specified feature SubType and feature template.
 Graphic ArcGISFeatureLayer.createFeatureWithType(FeatureType type, Geometry geometry)
          Creates a new feature based on the specified feature SubType.
 Graphic[] ArcGISFeatureLayer.getSelectedFeatures()
          Returns the selected features.

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.

Uses of Graphic in

Methods in that return Graphic
static Graphic Graphic.fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser)
          Convenient method which parses the JSON representation of a graphic into a graphic object.
 Graphic[] FeatureSet.getGraphics()
          Gets the graphics in the set.

Methods in with parameters of type Graphic
 void FeatureSet.setGraphics(Graphic[] graphics)
          Sets the graphics of the FeatureSet.

Uses of Graphic in com.esri.core.renderer

Methods in com.esri.core.renderer with parameters of type Graphic
 Symbol UniqueValueRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
          Returns the symbol of the unique value the graphic provided corresponds to.
 Symbol ClassBreaksRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
          Returns the symbol of the class break the graphic provided belongs to.
 Symbol SimpleRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
          Gets the symbol for the given graphic.
 Symbol DictionaryRenderer.getSymbol(Graphic graphic)
          Returns the Multi-Layer symbol associated with this renderer

Uses of Graphic in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced that return Graphic
 Graphic MessageProcessor.getGraphic(String messageID)
          Retrieves the graphic which originates from the message with specified id.

Methods in com.esri.core.symbol.advanced with parameters of type Graphic
 Message MessageProcessor.createMessageFrom(Graphic graphic)
          Creates a Message from a Graphic object.

Uses of Graphic in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing that return types with arguments of type Graphic
 ArrayList<Graphic> GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.getGraphics()
          This method returns the Graphic associated with this GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.
It returns null if the return type of this instance is not data.
 ArrayList<Graphic> GPRecordSet.getGraphics()
          Gets the array of graphics

Methods in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with parameters of type Graphic
 void GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.addGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Convenient method to add a Graphic to a GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.
 void GPRecordSet.addGraphic(Graphic graphic)
          Convenient method to add a graphic to a GPRecordSet

Method parameters in com.esri.core.tasks.ags.geoprocessing with type arguments of type Graphic
 void GPFeatureRecordSetLayer.setGraphics(ArrayList<Graphic> graphics)
          Sets the graphics to this GPFeatureRecordSetLayer object.
 void GPRecordSet.setGraphics(ArrayList<Graphic> graphics)
          Sets the array of graphics.

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