Uses of Class

Packages that use Layer Provides classes for all the different elements of a map. Contains the classes for the available map layer types. Provides classes used to consume Bing Maps services and maps. Provides interface classes used to handle events from maps and popups. 

Uses of Layer in

Subclasses of Layer in
 class DynamicLayer
          DynamicLayer is the base class for all map services that contain dynamic layers and can be added to a map.
 class GraphicsLayer
          The GraphicsLayer class represents a layer that contains one or more Graphic features.
 class GroupLayer
          A group layer is a collection of layers extending from the Layer class.
 class TiledLayer
          TiledLayer is the base class for all tiled layers that can be added to a map.
 class TiledServiceLayer

Methods in that return Layer
 Layer GroupLayer.getLayer(int index)
          Returns the layer for the given index position.
 Layer MapView.getLayer(int index)
          Gets a layer at the given index.
 Layer GroupLayer.getLayerByID(long layerId)
          Returns the Layer object matching the given ID.
 Layer MapView.getLayerByURL(String url)
          Gets a layer by its service URL.
 Layer[] GroupLayer.getLayers()
          Returns the direct sublayers in an array.
 Layer[] MapView.getLayers()
          Returns all child Layers that are added to the MapView.
 Layer[] GroupLayer.getLayers(String layername)
          Returns all layers for the given layer name.

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
 int GroupLayer.addLayer(Layer layer)
          Adds a layer to the current layer group by appending it to the bottom.
 int MapView.addLayer(Layer layer)
          Adds the child Layer.
 boolean GroupLayer.addLayer(Layer layer, int index)
          Inserts a layer object at certain position in the group layer.
 int MapView.addLayer(Layer layer, int index)
          Adds the child Layer at the given index.
 void GroupLayer.addLayers(Layer[] layers)
          Adds an array of layers to the current layer group.
 void MapView.addLayers(Layer[] layerArray)
          Adds the Layer array.
 void MapView.removeLayer(Layer layer)
          Removes the child Layer from the parent MapView.

Uses of Layer in

Subclasses of Layer in
 class ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer
          The ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer class allows you to work with a dynamic map service resource that is exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API (see the system requirements document for supported versions of ArcGIS Server).
 class ArcGISFeatureLayer
          ArcGISFeatureLayer is a special type of GraphicsLayer that allows you to display features from a layer hosted by an ArcGIS Server map service or feature service.
 class ArcGISImageServiceLayer
          The ArcGISImageServiceLayer class allows you to work with an image service resource that is exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API (see the system requirements document for supported versions of ArcGIS Server).
 class ArcGISLocalTiledLayer
          The ArcGISLocatlTiledLayer class is a type of tiled layer where the data is stored locally on the device, therefore this layer can function even when the device does not have any network connectivity.
 class ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
          The ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer class allows you to work with a cached map service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API.

Uses of Layer in

Subclasses of Layer in
 class BingMapsLayer
           BingMapsLayer class is used to define the Layer populated from Bing Maps that can be added to the MapView object.

Uses of Layer in

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
 void OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLayerAdd(MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, UserCredentials credentials)
          Implements this method to handle the event when adding a WebMapLayer to a MapView.
 MapLoadAction<UserCredentials> OnWebMapLoadListener.onWebMapLoadError(MapView source, WebMap webmap, WebMapLayer wmlayer, Layer layer, Throwable error, UserCredentials credentials)
          Implements this method to handle WebMap loading errors.

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