Setting up support for multiple languages in the routing directions

If you're using the European Routing and North American Routing services included on the Data Appliance Basemap Collection 5.0 for ArcGIS with routing option and you'd like to use multiple languages in the routing directions for Network Analyst services, you need to copy the folder for a language from the Data Appliance Basemap Collection 5.0 to your GIS server. You will have a folder for each supported language. You can use these languages in the routing directions for your SOAP and REST applications.


See Requirements for information on supported environments.

Follow these steps to set up support for multiple languages in routing directions for Network Analyst:

  1. Copy the folder for the desired language from the source_documents\directions_language\language_10 directory on the data appliance to the Directions folder on your GIS server, for example, <ArcGIS Server install location>\NetworkAnalyst\Directions. You can use Windows Copy and Paste tools or another copy utility. For example, for routing instructions in French, copy the fr-FR folder to your GIS server. Repeat for each language you want to use in the routing directions for your SOAP and REST applications.
  2. You can use multiple languages in the routing directions for your SOAP and REST applications by setting the appropriate parameter for your API using a supported language code:
    • SOAP parameter: naServerRouteParams.DirectionsLanguage = "de_DE";
    • REST parameter: directionsLanguage

Supported Languages (codes)
