What's new for defense and intelligence

This topic describes what's new in the following ArcGIS versions for defense and intelligence: 10, 10 SP1, and 10 SP2.

Version 10 Service Pack 2

Version 10 Service Pack 1

Version 10

ArcGIS has changed significantly in this release to better accommodate the defense and intelligence user communities. Although the Military Analyst and MOLE extensions are still available at version 10, much of their functionality is now native to ArcGIS. You no longer need to download, install, or learn separate extensions to accomplish your defense and intelligence tasks in ArcGIS; you now only need to know ArcGIS.

If you used Military Analyst and MOLE prior to version 10, review this migration document to help you learn the new ways to do your tasks.

Below is a list of changes in ArcGIS 10 that affect the defense and intelligence communities:

For help getting started, see Getting started with defense in ArcGIS.
