Geodatabases and the production environments


  1. 文件地理数据库 - 在文件系统中以文件夹形式存储。每个数据集都以文件形式保存,该文件大小最多可扩展至 1 TB。建议使用文件地理数据库而不是个人地理数据库。
  2. 个人地理数据库 - 所有的数据集都存储于 Microsoft Access 数据文件内,该数据文件的大小最大为 2 GB。
  3. ArcSDE 地理数据库 - 使用 Oracle、Microsoft SQL Server、IBM DB2、IBM Informix 或 PostgreSQL 存储于关系数据库中。这些多用户地理数据库需要使用 ArcSDE,在大小和用户数量方面没有限制。

More information about file and personal geodatabases can be found here.

More information about ArcSDE geodatabases can be found here.

Geodatabases and the enterprise production environment

In the enterprise production environment, the central database (CDR) and product library are stored in an ArcGIS Server ArcSDE geodatabase. The Nautical Solution supports Oracle 11g and Microsoft SQL Enterprise. The product databases are stored in Microsoft SQL Server Express geodatabases.

Nautical enterprise production environment
Nautical enterprise production environment

See Setting up the NIS database for steps on implementing the NIS (CDR).

Geodatabases and the desktop production environment

In the desktop environment, the product library can be implemented as either ESRI's file geodatabase or ArcSDE for SQL Express geodatabases.

For ENC, AML, and paper chart products, the product databases are stored in Microsoft SQL Server Express geodatabases.

Desktop S-57 and chart production environment
Desktop S-57 and chart production environment

For DNC products, the product databases are stored in ESRI personal geodatabases.

Desktop DNC production environment
Desktop DNC production environment
