Editable properties of raster data in an image service definition
In ArcGIS Image Server, an image service definition can be composed of a single raster or multiple raster datasets. A single raster dataset can contain multiple rasters, also known as bands (but not limited to). When a raster dataset is added to an image service definition, a raster process definition (.RPDef) XML file is created, which encapsulates the definition of the raster dataset.
To view the list of all the raster datasets that are being used in an image service definition, click the Service Table button on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar. You can select a single raster in the service table and edit its properties using the Raster Properties dialog box, which can be opened using the Raster Properties button
available on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar. The Raster Properties dialog box enables you to select individual rasters and change the properties for each raster. Since this dialog box can only be opened when you select a single raster dataset in the service table, the process of changing the properties of multiple raster datasets or rasters in your image service definition can become very tedious.
Edit Raster Properties Wizard solves the tedious process of editing properties of individual rasters or raster datasets. You can use this wizard to make mass edits to .RPDef files that are included in an image service definition. This wizard provides the option to modify the following:
- General properties of raster datasets and individual rasters
- Process chains
- Paths to the source raster datasets
- Values in the nodes of an .RPDef file using XPaths
The general properties of a raster or a raster dataset can include the number of bands, bit depth, color space, transparency, and NoData values. The following tables discuss the various properties that can be changed using Edit Raster Properties Wizard for raster datasets and for rasters included in an image service definition.
Properties you can change for a raster dataset
Field |
Description |
Number of bands |
Number of bands in the image service definition. This refers to the number of bands for different rasters when they are mosaicked together, prior to applying the service process. The output of all added raster datasets or raster process definitions should contain this number of bands. |
Bit depth |
Specifies the number of bits of the image service definition when rasters are mosaicked before applying the service process. Bit depth defines the size of the histogram and radiometric transformations to be used. For example, a 16-bit-depth raster can use only 12 bits compared to the available 16 bits. This value affects the histogram and radiometric transformations used. |
Pixel type |
Input pixel type of the image service definition. This is the pixel type that different rasters should be when they are mosaicked together before applying the service process. Each raster dataset or raster process definition added to this service must be of this pixel type. |
Color space |
Defines the relationship between the bands of the pixel. This is required primarily to enable compression. |
NoData value |
The NoData value specifies how no-measurement values should be denoted. You can define the NoData value on the raster dataset or for each raster contained within the raster dataset. However, you only need to define the NoData value for the raster dataset. You cannot define the NoData value at the service level. |
Transparency |
Defines whether NoData values have to be treated as transparent. To define a transparent pixel value, you must define a NoData value. Specifying Unchanged means the transparency for each raster is defined in the corresponding raster process definition. This can be used to override the values. In most cases, NoData values can be cropped using footprints, which are more efficient than pixel-based transparency. |
Properties you can change for a raster
Field |
Description |
NoData value |
The NoData value specifies how no-measurement values should be denoted. |
Enable raster |
If you uncheck this option, the disabled rasters are invisible and are not directly used in mosaic generation. |
Skip group properties |
If you check this option, the process chain specified for the selected raster is skipped. This is usually specified for derived rasters. |
Raster format reader |
Defines the raster format module to use for reading the raster source. |
Pixel size |
The actual pixel size of the raster in meters. |
Minimum pixel size |
The minimum pixel size value permitted for this raster in meters. |
Maximum pixel size |
The maximum pixel size value permitted for this raster in meters. |