ST_Distance 用于返回两个几何之间的距离。这一距离是两个几何的最近折点之间的距离。
sde.st_distance (g1 sde.st_geometry, g2 sde.st_geometry)
法规执行官员需要了解特定宗地上是否有建筑物在地块线的 1 英尺范围内。buildings 表的 building_id 列唯一标识每个建筑物。lot_id 列标识建筑物所在宗地。建筑物面存储每个建筑物的覆盖区的几何。parcels 表存储唯一标识每个地块并与建筑物要素类中的地块 ID 相同的 APN 以及包含地块几何的宗地 ST_Polygon。
CREATE TABLE buildings (building_id integer, lot_id integer, footprint sde.st_geometry); CREATE TABLE parcels (apn integer unique, parcel sde.st_geometry); INSERT INTO buildings (building_id, lot_id, footprint) VALUES ( 1, 400, sde.st_polygon ('polygon ((0 0, 0 10, 10 10, 10 0, 0 0))', 0) ); INSERT INTO buildings (building_id, lot_id, footprint) VALUES ( 2, 400, sde.st_polygon ('polygon ((12 3, 12 6, 15 6, 15 3, 12 3))', 0) ); INSERT INTO buildings (building_id, lot_id, footprint) VALUES ( 3, 400, sde.st_polygon ('polygon ((20 0, 20 10, 30 10, 30 0, 20 0))', 0) ); INSERT INTO buildings (building_id, lot_id, footprint) VALUES ( 4, 402, sde.st_polygon ('polygon ((40 0, 40 10, 50 10, 50 0, 40 0))', 0) ); INSERT INTO parcels (apn, parcel) VALUES ( 400, sde.st_polygon ('polygon ((-1 -1, -1 11, 11 11, 19 11, 31 11, 31 -1, 19 -1, 11 -1, -1 -1))', 0) ); INSERT INTO parcels (apn, parcel) VALUES ( 402, sde.st_polygon ('polygon ((39 -1, 39 11, 51 11, 51 -1, 39 -1))', 0) );
接着,法规执行官员查询 buildings 和 parcels 表,以获得宗地 400 上的所有建筑物 ID 以及各建筑物与地块线之间距离的列表。(单位在使用的投影系统中定义。)因为此宗地上有三个建筑物,所以应返回三条记录。
SELECT UNIQUE p.apn, b.building_id, sde.st_distance(b.footprint, sde.st_boundary(p.parcel)) DISTANCE FROM BUILDINGS b, PARCELS p WHERE b.lot_id = p.apn AND p.apn = 400 ORDER BY DISTANCE; APN BUILDING_ID DISTANCE 400 1 1 400 3 1 400 3 4
SELECT DISTINCT p.apn, b.building_id, sde.st_distance(b.footprint, sde.st_boundary(p.parcel)) AS Distance FROM buildings b, parcels p WHERE b.lot_id = p.apn AND p.apn = 400 ORDER BY Distance; apn building_id distance 400 1 1 400 3 1 400 2 4